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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Yeah i heard about that somewhere. Could of been when I went to austrai with school... I can't remember...
  2. Fishy

    My Bike

    Looks rad, hopefully ride you again soon
  3. Fishy

    V Festival

    Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone's going to Western Park to the festival?
  4. Not my wall, but a place I ride in Shrewsbury, I thought it was rad.
  5. I wouldn't bother if its anything like monty brake spray. Horrible stuff, makes a mess of your rim. I never wanted a grind, thought it was pointless, and stuff. But i persuaded myself to do one, but with a stanley knife. Then i got a grind, and haven't looked back. Tar is also good for on/off braking. Not good for manuels or what not. My advice is not to spray that on your rim. Try Zoo! greens, they are pretty rad without a grind or tar.
  6. Fishy

    Dmr Tensioner

    Would it be better to run the chain above or under the tensioner?
  7. Fishy

    Dmr Tensioner

    Makes more sense now, I was just wonderinf how to set it up. I get it now more or less. Cheers for that dude.
  8. I knwo this sounds pretty stupid, but i have no idea how they work. I bought a second hand one, and I'm stumped on how it works. If someone can give me a hand, just point me in the right direction on how they work it would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I saw these at Glasto 3 years ago, they were and still are awesome
  10. If your going to build upon a bicycle, your going to want a small sized engine, no more than 80cc. If you search for a moto trials make called scorpa, they made a motorbike kitted out with try-all bits and bobbies. Very smart and not really heavy. You have to take into fact that it isn't just the engine, there is also the carb, air filter and lots of hose. So your most probably going to have to modify the frame to fit the engine in. Me and my dad have built up 2 trials motorbike one of which has taken a year and a bit to sort out completely and the other just under 6 months.We are building a 100cc mx play bike, and we're thinking about doing what your thinking of.
  11. Pirhana is a good make. I'm not an expert or anything, best bet is to have a look in the white water rafting shop in bala, they specialise in the extreme shizzle. It's on the corner last time I went. Opposite the big butchers.
  12. Hey all, does anyone know if the NBR fun trial is still on? Any info would be appreciated. jOe.
  13. Fishy

    Im A Snail

    I think I'm right in thinking the T-vee is 22:18? My mate had one, went 22:16. Made it much better. As I'm pretty sure even though 22:18 on stock is nice, on a mod it is a bit spinny. If that makes sense. Best bet dude it to buy a set of cranks with a front freewheel, so you can experiment with a hard gear ratio with the back cogs. 18:12 I think a lot of people use.
  14. Fishy

    Beau New Vid

    Amazing, I was videoing the massive drop gap onto the boat, and fook me, it was massive. I was scared to watch. Good riding that day Beau. Gotta ride you again sometime...
  15. I've just been in cornwall, in Bude. Lovely and warm, just a tad windy, met up with Loz (Big L) and some of his mates. Shit loads of places to ride. Shame I'm so shit.
  16. Fishy


    Hope it all blows over soon dude When I broke up with mine, we pretty much had the same mates, so she had everyone turn on me. But you guys have been together longer, so yeah.
  17. Nice one, Have a gander at the podium stickers, and some of the surrounding shiz
  18. Hey all, Just wondering if anyone else is going to hawkstone? Camping, taking your bike and what not. Hopefully see some friendly faces around.
  19. Stall on your back wheel to barspin/x-up I like them
  20. I know its a bit late, but is anyone up for it? 11 at the usual place? Come on lads...
  21. Could Sirgumurphy, tall_rob, Ghosts_cloak, munch8987 Get in touch with me for your Graffics stuff. Pm me if you can. Thanks
  22. Fishy

    Pad Reviews

    Pads: Plazmatic CRM Time used: 3 weeks Rim used: 24" Ronnie Grind: Yes (no tar) Fresh. Ceraminc: No Brake used: Magura, heatsink booster What is your opinion of a working brake: Holds well, small amount of modulation, bites at peak How do they compare to previous pads you have used: About the same as my koxx browns Review: After a few hours of riding the brake seemed to preform well. locked nicely, bites. After 2 weeks the brake seems to have gone worse, and worn down shed loads. I've set them up a few times to make sure they weren't rounding at the edges. I doubt I will buy another pair of these. The pad life and actual braking power weren't as good as people have said. Might of just been how I set it up, but my koxx browns worked better when they went poo.
  23. Fooking awesome, you gays shoulda come...
  24. Is everyone still up for it? I'm not 100% sure where everyone is meeting, so if someone could text me or something, that would be cool. Pm me for my number or something....
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