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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Snapped Axel? Or the frame could be twisted and needs to be trued to your frame? Happened with my monty I had.
  2. I swear thats what it says on the poster.
  3. Fishy

    My Bike

    I like the look of this, if I remember righty, you were at brum, and I took pictures of the logos, if this is the guy I think it is, then you have a very sexual bike. Even if this isn't the guy, it's still a super dooper looking bike.
  4. Wish I could go to this, sounds awesome.
  5. Fishy

    Stuck Crank

    Yeah, i ended up grinding the f**ker off. Tryed everything, there was 2 of us doing it, and we could shift it at all.
  6. Fair doo's, I like Mad, they got me into bike trials, when they did a show at Weston park. Still got a poster in my room, with Chris Townsend and Tim Pratts Signitures I believe.
  7. BB gun, quite hard to hit unless your at point blank range. Edit: Shit never thought, Egg Slicer!!!
  8. I thought Mad were sponsored by saracen?
  9. I think they look awesome for the price, I can't see anything really that bad about them. Even though they are kinda connected to saracen, through MAD, I still think they would be pretty ace bikes.
  10. I've got like 4 flying around my room, piss annoying. Haha, I have this thing that kills flys, looks like a badminton racket, but the mesh has a small electric shock, enough to a wasp. It's f**king ace fun when your bored.
  11. I'd loved to have known what bike trials was when i was 11-12.
  12. You can't PM people yet, because your not a member, but you can usually get there addy if you go on their profile.
  13. 400 quid you can get a pretty decent second hand bike. Check out ebay, and mbuk's readers articles. Also, on this forum, there is a for sale/wanted section, will lots of good bits and bobs there. If you wanted to buy a new bike, the only one i can think of is the Onza t-raptor, or you could wait until phase bring out there bikes.
  14. Don't foam grips slip and move in the wet? I was tempted by getting the halfords grips, but as it perminatey rains in Shropshire it hought againt it.
  15. Right, I'm not too sure who's going now, so if your defo going say so biatchs, and if anyone does decide to come tomorrow, my numbers 07906305851 if you need me.
  16. Yeah, they are absolutely awesome, if you can, get the one with the higher spec, comes with a magura louise, beast of a brake, Absolutely love mine, deffo get one.
  17. Fishy

    Got An Idea

    Yeah, I see it kinda wrong. on the fire forum thingy, everyone doing was atlleast 20ish, and had all had lessons and are fooking amazing. Fire shiz But yeah, I've worked out that if i keep drinking it, i will end up raping myself, so I'm going to stop me thinks. I guess the reason i thought about it, was I was having one of those day dreams, where I can do anything, and anythings possible. Pretty shit that it isn't true though.
  18. Most probs in France, or Spain. Looks fooking ace though!
  19. Looks awesome matey Love the pictures, and christ you are a beast.
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