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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Fishy

    Onza T-pro

    Yeah, rims were sprayed.
  2. Fishy

    Onza Zoot

    Yeah I found this, got a nice gash in my frame, best thing to do is buy a decent bb, mine snapped within 2 months.
  3. They are ok, not amazing. Not very good against pinches if you like to run less Psi in your tyres. Maxxis high rollers/ minions seem to be the best of the bunch for trials. Other than that there are michelin hot s, and I'm sure there are some others, but I can't remember the name.
  4. I prefer to use a mech, if you have one lying around wack that on. I was using a Dmr tensioner and found that wank, so I used a mech instead, ands its worked best so far.
  5. Fishy

    Onza T-pro

    Haha, yes it is a stock stem. But he likes it, it looks suprising good imo.
  6. What did you exactly do when you sprayed your frame? Did you sand it all down then primer it then spray and laquer it?
  7. Fishy


    Giro Xen, very expensive, but comfortable and light, with lots of vents. A good helemt, but could be cheaper IMO.
  8. Do you ride competitively? [no] Do you perform maintenance whilst out riding, either to fix something, or fine tune it? [yes] Do you currently have a workstand? [no] Is it portable? Can you drive? [no] If yes, what kind of car do you have? How do you transport your bike in the car? [boot mounted rack] Do you carry a number of tools with you? [yes] When working on your bike, do like them within reach, say on a tray attached to the work stand? [yes]
  9. Last time I checked, Aldi did a 1gb mp3, I got one from there, the only thing i would change is the headphones on them, they are pretty gash on them. AAA batteries for them, the only other thing is that they have to have there own little plug. It doesn't have the standard Usb port plug. All for about 40 squid.
  10. Fishy

    Onza T-pro

    Heres some pictures of goose's painted pimp T-Poo. And another... Thanks for looking, Comments Welcome.
  11. I'll wack a picture up for you goose, sent it over msn and I'll put it with mine and matts bike.
  12. Fishy


    I totally agree with you there, the government really do piss me off when they say shit like that. A lad i used to know had Autism, lived down the road from me. A really cool guy actually, he only had it mild though, he was made by his parents to attend a special needs school, when he was quite happy at the school i went to.
  13. Rear hub died, so thats me out
  14. Little ol' Shropshire, my addy is in my sig, if you wana chat.
  15. To be honest, I bet it looks 100x better in RL than in the picture.
  16. Very street. Flickable ect, not really comp bikes. Why opt for a shorter stock? Base or something a long the lines of that?
  17. Just looks dull IMO, It looks nice, just something a bit common. but it's your bike, aslong as you like it.
  18. Koxx Browns, or Plazmatic Crm, I would go for the koxx browns, because they are the shiz in the wet and dry and bite hard
  19. I've got a fire staff, but I'm looking to get a get of poi's next. I'm not really very good, but meh, I enjoy it.
  20. Hmmm, I'm not sure about the look of it. Definately looks better than standard colour though. Ooooh I should get new pictures of mine up soon.
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