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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. What sort of style do you like to ride? more streety bmx kinda shiz? Or more competition orientated street? (taps, gaps, sidehops) I've got a zoot which is not too bmx'y but not too comp like, which is nice, and I love it, so nice to ride.
  2. Tar = Shit in the rain, makes rim look nasty, using too much fudges up your brake... etc
  3. Yeah, frozen goods on bruised areas usually work, got my swollen face down to nothing in a day, but i didnt do it the next day, so it came back up, and it was warm. So basically, keep it nice and cold
  4. Yeah it really works, it smooths out the scratches so the lense can read the disc easier. With kitchen cloth will work just dandy. BUT GO IN A CIRCLE ALL AROUND THE DISC, OTHERWISE YOU WILL FUDGE IT UP MORE!
  5. Brasso, but only use a little bit.
  6. Aand frame down, primer it, spray it, laquer if you wanted to sorted
  7. Just what I was thinking. Worst bit is the rioting will be aimed at British and American troops, which will f**k them over, even though it was the Iraqi's that trialed and sentenced him. Get the troops back home I say.
  8. Come on guys, I'll bring the trials fags up from round near me. 11 at Victoria Square This is all depending on weather though, aslong as it doesn't piss ther heavens down.
  9. 'Mart' Have you still got yours?
  10. Get one, you won't ever look back.
  11. Avid bb7 >>Click<< Only have 160's in at the moment I think.
  12. And more people prefer silver than black.
  13. I wouldn't have thought there would be enough space on the inside of the frame? I guss you could do it, but it's just a case of how much you want it. 'Cos I don't reckon it would be very easy.
  14. Love the first picture, looks wicked!
  15. Keep you eye out in the for sale/ wanted section on here. Or ebay?
  16. Yeah, mate runs them, and they seem to hold up well. Nice cranks, but if you can get soem second hand 'burns.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Heatsink bikes Mielec's?
  18. Stick with square, cheaper and bearing life is longer. I would upgrade your cranks, to something along the lines of 'burns, or tensiles. Check out >>Clicky<< or >>clicky<< for cranks.
  19. Magura Julie? Shimano Deore/ etc? Maybe go for a cable... Avid bb7? >>Clicky<< They will have most the shiz you want, except they don't have any Avid bb7s in at the moment.
  20. Stick with your magura rather that swapping it for your hope.
  21. Definately look at one, they are amazing brakes for the price, other than Julies, look at avid bb7's. They are pretty good for money, and are sooooo powerful set up properly.
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