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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. With Fatmikes bike, you can slightly change the cs, wb and bb height. Not much i don't think, but it seems a good way of keeping your wheel in tight. I'm sure fatmike will correct me.
  2. I want matt. He's welsh for a start. And he's not too far from me... Edit: Beaten to it. Radical Rider, what can I say? He's radical, and he rides? Would you want more in a person?
  3. Oooooooh, i like the look of that a lot
  4. seen how many people are llooking at this topic
  5. Josh is a sound guy, used to ride a zoot, then turned gay with 20"...
  6. Rocktrials takes pictures... Thats good enough for me. I love him ^^^^^^^^
  7. mr_joefish@hotmail.com I'm not gay (unless the price was right), but I can show you the right direction if you did want some bum fun.
  8. Looks mega, but a bit plain. Need to get some beefier stickers on there.
  9. I love si, cos he sends me porn links
  10. I love Fat Pants. Enough said really?
  11. Opened a box, and it was FULL with deoderant. I was like 'You cheeky bitch', what are you saying about me. But then I opened up my camera, so was all cool. AND i got some multicoloured boxers, and some Lynx ones...
  12. Gorgio Armani htpuhir (motorbike)
  13. Good video there mate. You look good on that bike.
  14. I hate you because you've got that Toys'r'us song in my head... I hate you with a passion now...
  15. Merry Christmas all! Have a good day.
  16. Fishy

    Who Likes Me?

    Never met you, and have no problem with you
  17. Fishy

    Lucky Git

    Red bull + vodka + champagne = Looooooooooopy juice
  18. Or there is a cap on the front of the lever, and if you pop open the cap there is a 2.5/2mm allen bolt. just play about with it until you like
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