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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Bigmans going, kevs coming with newi, I'm going, mats out i think, and not too sure about everyone else. Come on guyths
  2. I'll write this so i can edit on saturday when I meet ^^^
  3. Its really quite funny, but i do feel sorry for him, Especially the guy that was locked in the cupboard for swearing.
  4. Haha, when that dude started shouting Bomb.
  5. Congratulations matey. Glad everything went well.
  6. I think white forks would look so much sexier.
  7. Looks sweet. Really like the colour scheme.
  8. Another vote for tk maxx. But recently, they've filled all the tee's and hoodies with old man shirts.
  9. Everyone still up for this shiz bang then?
  10. Fishy

    Onza Zoot

    Everything's good on it, except the bottom bracket that comes with it. I have one, and love it, I find it perfect for my riding. Things to upgrade though, are back hub, but a pro II fits in there, without new spokes, new bottom bracket, and a longer stem
  11. Pending on whether my back is still f**ked, count me in!
  12. Where can I find leedstrial roadtrip video?
  13. Fishy


    Mmmmm, very nice.
  14. I was in a rush, what I ment to say was. they look brill. Hope my mate gets one, so I can ride it.
  15. I pretty much did that to Beau's bike, after his forks snapped, worked alright, BUT it wasn't on the underground, so this is completely useless... Sorry.
  16. I can't do this weekend, but next weekend (13th) sounds tempting if anyones up for then?
  17. Wasn't that ninja turtles?
  18. With a full licence you can, with a provisional, you can't
  19. I have wanted to say this to poopipe, I love him. because he showed me jackass 2 on google video Love you babe.
  20. Mark, do you have any pictures of your accident? I would like to see the extent of your injuries, 'cos they sound f**ked.
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