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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. What media player can I view it on? I've got VLC, Windows 11, iTunes...
  2. I made my own, add me to msn and I'll send you pictures if you want. mr_joefish@hotmail.com
  3. That song is an absolute tune. (by catch 22)
  4. Fishy

    Chain Line.

    Right, Mates T-pro skips like a nun. Freewheels new, chains quite new, and the back cog seems fine. The only thing I can see wrong is that the chain line's not inline. What can I do/buy to sort it out?
  5. It looks different from normal leesons. Which is good, so Not saying I don't like streety leesons, just looks different.
  6. I get them after riding, and not having a shower straight afterwards. But yeh, most probably AIDs.
  7. Remember reading it can weaken welds. I'm pretty sure it was nitromorse anyway.
  8. Brand New are amazing. Got 2 of there albums, definately a beast band.
  9. Oh my god. That is lush. Why the f**k did I swap my zoot.
  10. What the f**k, it's going to take like 50 mins How come my internets so quick tonight? Thats f**ked up.
  11. After seeing/hearing kevs (trials punk182) king, I would poo it doing anything big. Although, saying that, it needs a damn good clean.
  12. Yeah, you can get them registered. all they need is a horn, and lights.
  13. They definately aren't suited for the road. Scorpa do a long ride one. Which includes a bolt on seat. You can ride them on the road, but are neither fast or comfortable. And you'd go through a lot of trials tyres.
  14. My bet is that it will be wet. Wet + Ogwen rocks = shit. I didn't ride, and i found it difficult to walk around.
  15. Fishy

    Steve Colley

    What a legend. Thats a bit shit that is.
  16. Fishy

    Need Some Help.

    That would be uber.
  17. Fishy

    Need Some Help.

    You guys are legends. Thankyou very much.
  18. Fishy

    Need Some Help.

    Because the majority of 80's stuff I've heard was better. Although saying that, I haven't heard much modern stuff.
  19. I need to loose more body fat. At the moment, I'm around the region of 5"10-11 and weigh in at about 13 1/2 stone. I also play rugby, center or flanker. But I'm finding now I can't run as quick, partly because of my bad back. But mostly because I'm a fat b*****d. All my flab is around my beer belly, and hips. Need to bulk my arms up... Only shit thing is, being 15 you can't use the decent stuff at the gym. And I don't fancy paying £25 quid a month, if I can wait a few months (until i get my student card) and only pay £3 everytime I go.
  20. You shouldn't really use petrol, it can melt the pads if you don't wash it off, and it leaves an oily resadue. But saying that, I did, and it worked alright.
  21. Very sexual danny, can't wait to ride you again with you again.
  22. Fishy

    Need Some Help.

    Cheers guys, need mooooooore.
  23. Makes me buzzin, and i think less about my back.
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