A couple of nights ago. I was living on this Island and it kept getting invaded by these Nazi look-a-likes. But it always won, because we have a castle on top of the hill. But anyway... Everyone got drunk, but I was asleep at my house. I woke up and went for a walk, and I found a blood trail towards a river. And there were all like big viking rowing boats in this river. I had a BIG knife on me, so I went behind the first boat, and there was only 4 people on it, so I stabbed them all. Then, it went really weird, because I looked at my phone, and someone called Ash texted me, (I think it was ask kennard), and asked if I would Pm him some music. Then it went all fuzzy, and my mate tried to shoot me, but gun got jammed, so i sprinted at him and jumped on him. Rolled him over, and threw the knife at his throat. It was a f**ked up dream, but I only seem to get them when I am uber tired, drunk/half drunk or have gone to bed really early.