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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Yeah, I've got that with my big toe, and when if i do, i get a weird cramp pain in my leg that shoots up my leg. It's really homo.
  2. Fibulas the smaller bone behind your Tibia, so not the main supporting bone, but the other one.
  3. Fishy

    Problem Page!

    Have you got a dog? If you do, chop him/her up into bitesize peices and feed away.
  4. Fishy

    Problem Page!

    Pig farm? Snatch style
  5. I'm on crutches at the moment as well. Snapped fibula, fractured ankle and nerve damage. Not supposed to do anything with it, but I've ridden my mates dmr and been slowly putting weight on it. It's shit
  6. I don't know if it's already been said, but if there are no girls, then there are no problems. See what I'm getting at? Get rid of the girls, get rid of the problems! ps. (I'm not implying that you go gay, but it's your choice if you do) pps. (Fleshlite for the lack of vagina)
  7. That looks soooo tasty!
  8. I thought you said you wanted to get down 13.7stone? And f**k off are you weedy
  9. Fishy

    Towler Xtp Video

    Beast video there. For any chance were you riding after that demo last year before the SSDT? I think it was you anyway.
  10. 5ft11" just under 14 stone. All muscle.
  11. If it's not laquered it will.
  12. Near the plant pots, sort of down the road from it basically.
  13. Not shite, but I didn't like them, and they are the ones where the whole body isn't in the pic.
  14. Before your going to 'explode' with your anger, go for a walk or something. When people say take a deep breath, it actually works. Try it next time, if there is a next time. I used to like completely flip when I got annoyed, and found myself sprinting really hard. Almost like self punishment for being a twat.
  15. Hair Drier, and maybe a little bit of wd40 to ease it off. Or if the surface is a bit sensative, use soapy water. When you've got the actual sticker off, it sometimes leaves a sticky bit. Clean that off with a bit of wd40 or soapy water.
  16. Lovely pictures there Dave, some of the angles were a bit shite, but otherwise I really like. What lense did you use?
  17. Thats nothing. He was a lot more agressive with fatmike. I actually thought he was going to hit Mike, he didn't seem such a knob then. Ooooh, I love him, he makes my day when he turns up. Edit: f**king hell Beau, you kept your cool then, I would have stabbed him.
  18. Fishy


    Yeah, they are awesome. Although I would wait until they come down in price and some more games come out for it. And I played it on a big HD tv, so I think my opinion on them being awesome is a bit bias compared to someone who played it on a normal tv.
  19. When you have to talc your genitals.
  20. Fishy

    Problem Page!

    Wikipedia sounds the best there! I'm out of action for about 4-6 weeks and in a cast for atleast another 2-4, and on crutches for another 4-6 weeks depending on the nerve damage. It's wank. Thanks for the advice. Ps. Callum you ruined the thread, end of story.
  21. Fishy

    Free Razors

    Haha, my extreme video's going to be ace!
  22. Fishy

    Problem Page!

    You've just ruined the whole thread.
  23. Fishy

    Problem Page!

    Oh Davey Davey, I never thought I'd actually post in here, it sounded so gay, but I'm bored. Davey, I'm bored and have a broken leg and fractured ankle and I find it difficult to move a lot. Could you suggest something that might be a bit less boring to do, and fun none the less. Oh, and wanking is out of the question, I've even got bored of that.
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