I'm pretty lucky, I'm a spoilt shit. I have had to sell a lot of stuff to get the bigger things like hope pro II and I buy all my own pads and shit. But if I'm really stuck usually my dad bails me out. I love him.
I feel so much better this morning. Yesterday was hell until about 10pm when I ate 2 mars bars, 2 pot noodles and about 4 pints of coke. Never ever am I drinking that much... ever again.
Right, last night I drank waaaaaay too much. and all today I've been feeling rough as f**k. I know lots of you are hardcore drinkers, so what are your best solutions to getting rid of hangovers?
I don't know about that ash, around here i'm sure it's 12. Are you serious about making money? You could just get a paper round if your that desperate.
f**king hell, Jess does my head in. I'll ask her if she wants to do something, and she'll either answer: jess [ <3 ] joe says: i dont know jess [ <3 ] joe says: ummmmm jess [ <3 ] joe says: learn japanese What the f**k. I'm not in the mood at all.