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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. I'm pretty lucky, I'm a spoilt shit. I have had to sell a lot of stuff to get the bigger things like hope pro II and I buy all my own pads and shit. But if I'm really stuck usually my dad bails me out. I love him.
  2. knock knock who's there the the who
  3. Fishy

    Baaaad Head

    I know, it's my birthday in 9 days, so I'm more than likely going to get sloshed again...
  4. Fishy

    Baaaad Head

    I feel so much better this morning. Yesterday was hell until about 10pm when I ate 2 mars bars, 2 pot noodles and about 4 pints of coke. Never ever am I drinking that much... ever again.
  5. Your getting a right beast now mate. We'll ride soon, yeah?
  6. Fishy

    Baaaad Head

    Yeah, already eaten bread, it soaks up the alcohol. And drinking milk before you got out on the piss lines your stomach.
  7. That, my friend, is gorgeous.
  8. Fishy

    Baaaad Head

    Right, last night I drank waaaaaay too much. and all today I've been feeling rough as f**k. I know lots of you are hardcore drinkers, so what are your best solutions to getting rid of hangovers?
  9. Sick mate. Ride soon
  10. Init. Come down shropshire and I'll find you a slag.
  11. He doesn't need food, he's a beast.
  12. Thats good for a 12 year old! You won't find any where else that pays better I don't think.
  13. I don't know about that ash, around here i'm sure it's 12. Are you serious about making money? You could just get a paper round if your that desperate.
  14. Can't you work in a pub at 12? Like as a waitor?
  15. f**king hell, Jess does my head in. I'll ask her if she wants to do something, and she'll either answer: jess [ <3 ] joe says: i dont know jess [ <3 ] joe says: ummmmm jess [ <3 ] joe says: learn japanese What the f**k. I'm not in the mood at all.
  16. Fishy

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday Joe.
  17. I use the normal small coust pads. They have f**k all bite but backs of hold... Get the coustsinks with a medium/harsh grind... You'll never look back
  18. Haha, awesome. Oh, JT how did it go with that american bird?
  19. That was mint, but it wasn't trials... it was more bmx-y. (Joke) On a serious note that was awesome.
  20. What time do trains stop going from Rhyl?
  21. John and Gez Evans have got a days worth of pallets and other stuff to ride. It's awesome.
  22. I will if no one else will. I'll pwn you at this like I did at checkers.
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