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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Fishy

    Bank Transfer

    Account number and sort number
  2. Liked that a lot. Nice one
  3. How do you get them out? Pm me please an idiots guide on how to do it as my msn doesn't like being outside of the house
  4. Good luck with the recovery mate.
  5. Right slags, I should be going if I can blag my dad to let me stay in his flat. So now I'm coming everyone else should too.
  6. Theres pretty much no more Ironbridge or Shrewsbury, cars and buildings have been washed away down the river, and loads have people have gone missing.
  7. Hope you have a speedy recovery mate and it all recovers well... No youtube link to a video though? * *Joke
  8. What about filling the hole with hot glue gun glue.
  9. If worst comes to worst, go to his house and cut him a bit.
  10. Join a gym? Usually they have posters around it showing different techniques.
  11. Man, I love pures. I got 22:20 at the moment and it feels a bit spinny. Have you used either a 22 or 20 tooth front cog? If so, what size rear did you use?
  12. Fishy

    My First Vid

    iHaha, I can't sidehop for shit. And I'm working on front wheel stuff. I never realised that song had been used before. Bummer...
  13. Fishy

    My First Vid

    Cheers guys. I'm going to get a chilled video on the stock going soon too.
  14. Yo kris, tried to ring you yesterday. I was in Leicester with my bike and jonny and my mate. It wasn't my number mind.
  15. Fishy

    My First Vid

    Right, heres my first video on my old echo lite. It was while I was recovering from my fooked back and broken leg as I hadn't ridden in well over a year. Yes a shit excuse for my poor riding. Didn't really attempt to proper edit, so I just played with the effects on movie maker. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=E3RJ1FMX2Pg Enjoy. Edit: It's not finished as I don't have a dirty mod anymore.
  16. Fishy

    Zhi Z2

    I'll have to comment again to show how much I actually am in love with the Zhi. DON'T EVER HARM IT.
  17. I might be there, not 100% sure now as I am in lack of funds.
  18. Thats really cool. I wish I had kept mine.
  19. I'm pretty pleased with them, except some bits are a bit blurred. Oh well, roll on the new camera.
  20. Your bike looks swish. Really like that.
  21. Pasta. With EVERYTHING.
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