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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. I'm away on holiday next week, got dates for when your around?
  2. I love that. Sweeeeeeeeeet
  3. Fishy

    What Is Deng?

    Guy that owns zoo!/echo/gu/adamant etc. Lol
  4. Have I still got some space taxed?
  5. Fishy


    Proper southern cider = beast. Love Kopparberg. Love vodka and jd. Love vimto and doctor pepper. Love britta filtered water too
  6. Wait til Fat Pants sees this thread. He will actually cream himself.
  7. I walked past you, you were trying to sidehop the fence thing, you with a guy and you were coming away from the officials room thing.
  8. Fishy

    100% Pure

    yeah man, it is. Come down to shrops soon.
  9. Erm... What about me, robin, rich, tom and kev? Yeah man, looks amazing, get your arse back to Shropshire soon so we can ride welly.
  10. I ended up working for trialcast. Only realised tupmans were next to me like sunday. Saw the guys on, hydroxxs, aorta, gu. Didn't say hello as I'm shy...
  11. How hard was it to ge used to riding with both levers on the same side?
  12. Fishy

    100% Pure

    Lol, I need bearings in those beasts.
  13. really good there jonny, shown the atmosphere there really well.
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