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About robster

  • Birthday 11/10/1997

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  • County (UK Only)
    North Yorkshire
  • Real Name
    robbie peacock
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Team NSE Modified Bionic B2B bike and parts supplied by Fred Savage at NSE Clothing and emergency repairs done by Airvally cycles Unicycle Cheers all.

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    mi bike .... mi guitar, mi unicycle, riding wi mi dad and thats about it. oh and annoying my little sister.
  • Location
    Mackay, Australia

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robster's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Eyup all. Been away for some time now. Mum just emailed me about Chris. Not sure when it happened, and I am sure its been covered on here. But for what it is worth. I hope you get well soon Chris. Cowling is one hello of a place to ride and one of my old haunts. I hope you get back on the bike when you are fixed up dude. Take it easy you crazy ass fool. JP.
  2. hey man how are you. We haven't done any riding since we came but we are just getting back into it, we have been to busy with camping, fishing, 4 wheel driving and dirt bike riding, but we have missed it loads and are ready to come back. glad the brimham went well dude. Take it easy dude. JP
  3. The Brimham 2 day trial....A big must for trials fans and families. She always does a good job and gets very little help (apart from the usual suspects) God it seems ages since I was last buggering about in the 2 day trial, and 2 years away i still miss it as much as ever, I am glad to here it went well and every one had a good weekend, my best memory of that place was Neil the leg end RAV"ON" launching his bike down the hill in a hissy fit and riding round the trial in a Bra and skirt. The good ol days eh? Keep going and supporting the clubs and for gods sake keep em going cos you will miss it as much as I do when it's gone. JP
  4. robster

    Been Away

    well if I ever get my ass into gear I might jump on a plane and come have a ride with you guys. real shame we have nothing up here, but I guess with a little time and dedication we could get something going. I will get in touch for some parts as I need them. cheers Rob for the nice comments, I miss the scene like you would not believe, just not enough to up root again and come back. Take it easy and ride well all. JP.
  5. robster

    Been Away

    Gday all you pommy groovers. I have not been on here for ages now. Lost touch with what is going on back ome. I hope you are all well and enjoying the summer and trialling you asses off. Rob and I have not been riding in ages now as we have been riding dirt bikes for a change. I dug Robs bike out and gave it a service but the back brake is shot, the lever has seized up........so..........my question to you all is this, who is looking after all of your needs now Clean bikes has moved on (bloody damn shame if you ask me). Are Ben Savage and Good ol Fred still trading? If so as who?????? And how the bloody hell is BIG Mick (he will know who I'm on about if he reads this). What's all the gos, who is riding for who? Who is falling out with who? who is winning everything???????and most of all has anybody taken over from me in the silly buggers class?????????????? Any way I need a white HS33 lever mount or a complete rear lever set up as I have been asked by the local mountain bike club to set up a little trials play ground, so we had best get going again. Lots of questions but hey its been a long while Oh yes this new format on here is a bit of a bugger when you've been away for so long. Keep those feet up groovers. JP
  6. hi guys i have for sale trial bike 26" and parts sony playstation 3 full 150£ (iphone 3G 8gb 150£) (camcorder sony full HD HDD 60GB, 5M CMOS, 10MP Photo, XtraFibe LCD 920Kpixeli, 19201080i, DD5.1 Zoom Mic, SSS Optic -full -330£)

  7. Hi everyone who remembers us. I would just like to wish each and every one of you all the best for the new year 2010. we have been away now for just over a year, life is good and very busy. A little to hot at the moment to ride trials but i have been asked to build a trials course to promote the unheard of sport to the Northern Queenslanders, so next year should be good. The old megamo is still going strong for those who remeber it. Anyway to all of my friends and others who read this, please keep on supporting your local clubs and give em all the help they need next year. And good luck to all who compete be it localy, nationally or internationally, but most of all just get out and ride. Happy new year all and most of all a HUGE HI to all Tyketrial members and parents, we miss you all like mad....See you in September 2010 Oh yeh her is one picture of 2 silly old farts doing what they do best down under..............anything but riding!!!!! happy days Rave...ON John, Tara, Robbie and of course Boo. xx
  8. 38 still buggering along in the sun
  9. I have arranged for some good weather for you all it is on its way as we speak. Enjoy this one, and if you have not ridden a comp before then this is the one to enter it is awesome. Have a good event. wish i was there. JP
  10. Take your wellies girls!!!! Oh yes and fill your tires with helium. JP
  11. Well guys another Brimmham rocks event what can I say.... Although I am at the other side of the world I was with Ben's parents all the way through the day it must have been very tough for them to turn up at Ben's fave riding spot without him. I only wish I had been there to give em a hug in person. It is a real shame that the event wasn't as planned by that i mean 2 days of fun and laughter and setting fire to things!!!!!!! Come on members give the dog a bone and help the team at tykes to help you have the best club in the UK bar none, it is a bloody thankless task and hard work, but when you see all of you lot tip up it is well worth it. It takes a lot of energy from these people and they all have lives as well. They have kids, jobs, grand kids, homes, wives and husbands to take into account when most of you have just got to get a bloody form off in the post bum a lift and away you go!!!!!! Any way I would like to just pass on my deepest sympathy again for the amazing Carlisle family thank you for finding the courage to turn up and I am truly sorry i wasn't there to see you both but all our thoughts are with you and little Ben. John Tara Robbie and of course Boo xx I will be needing a couple of green ribbons as well barbara drop me an email and I will give you my address.
  12. Forgive me if I am wrong, but wasn't this planned to be the Ben Carlisle memorial trial. I seem to remember talk that it would be, it is worth going for that reason alone. It is a real shame that it has come to this, all you members of Tykes are playing a dangerous game here because without you entering trials they are impossible to organise, and the few that have bothered are going to miss out on what has come to be in my eyes the best two days of trials in the UK, it is always a real top event, fun on Sat and Sat night and then a full on comp on sunday. I am guessing that you havn't bothered to enter because now that I am not there to laugh at whilst showing my death defying skills there is no point, well far from it as Niel will be flying the flag for the sh@t riders. Come on lads and lasses don't let the club and all the hard work go to waste, enter you WILL enjoy it. If I wasn't sunning myself on the other side of the world I would be there for sure it is a blast. JP (ex tykes stallwart)sp?
  13. Hey Pat good to here from you dude. RavON was only hunting silver ware the bloody puff!!!!!! Good luck with the move pal I am sure you will find somewhere to ride with "Zee Germans". JP.
  14. Finally found somewhere to ride, it seems ages since we were stood in the falling sun and cold autumn air of Shipley glen with you guys. Any way we are back now, and shit we are rusty, I am even worse than before, Rob seems stronger as he has grown but we need bike time. Here are a couple of shots from just a few hundred yards up the road from us it is an awesome place but it plays havoc with the punctures and it hurts like a bugger when you fall off. I will put more up when I work out how to get more on. Take it easy groovers. JP.
  15. Wow looks as though you had a lot of new faces, I don't recognise half of em..... well done for the first trial of 2009. Bloody wish i had have been with you all but I forgot to set my clock for 2 days early Oh yeh Rav"on" lame excuse having to observe Good luck with the rest of the season lads and lasses. JP.
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