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findy camera man!

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Everything posted by findy camera man!

  1. CLICK THIS TO VIEW THEM! the link above is for my album so have a gander and tell us what you think people!
  2. this is my new baby only £20 bargain although hope to actually get a trials bike in the near future
  3. i bum adam bessell (aka hardcorebiking) only cause he's like one of my best mates!
  4. have been following the sport for a good year and a bit now and have taken an interest in possibly starting up next year but am in need of some advice bike wise.... what kinda bike would be easiest to start on having not done any trials full stop? size etc... what prices am i looking at for buying a bike?
  5. snap with the golf, mk5, waiting upon new wheels which should be here pretty soon
  6. thats pretty cool with the start and the black and white filming, if possible try to fit that massive drop with the music, wicked start though mate can't wait till the rest is done
  7. wow you lucky pig! i have a 350D dream of the day when i get a 1D. once again nice pics mate and keep up the good work!!!
  8. those pics are immense mate, glad to see my buddy ol pal bessell made it into a few of them what camera do you have mate and what lens you use if it's a slr? this picture is my favourite
  9. nive one mate, good tune, some great angles and also some great riding also. how many videos have you done now?
  10. some great riding there mate a few hints for the next video though, instead of zooming in with the filming get the camera guy to do a bit of walking and get the camera down low as this will keep the quality perfect and also get some great angles too!!! try and get as much riding in as poss film the runs ups aswell and keep pauses to a minimum overall keep up the good work
  11. one word for that tune and that is................ tune. good video too!
  12. I'm more photography than video but have been given the task of making one. anyone got any tips for me, what kind of footage to get, programmes to use etc....... any help much appreciated
  13. i've just started collecting and now have 3 videos!!!! :sleeping:
  14. i think they are all going to be at milton keynes on sunday again. get in touch with hardcore biking i'm sure he'll give you some info if they are
  15. taken from the milton keynes ride on sunday hardcore biking will post themm all up in members section soon!!
  16. been out on a ride in mk today taking some pictures and thought it was about time i joined the forum! I don't ride myself but you never know one day..................... hi anyways :S
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