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Everything posted by eskimo

  1. Kind of a weird topic. I'd go with, bmx; trials; skating; no moto x for me as i don't ride it
  2. I've looked at a few places for some bikes for you. If your heart is set on one of those i would go for the Hoffman bikes model. Then possibly the WTP which isn't all that bad and then last the Fit. While looking at some bikes i found this one. I recon this would be alot nicer and would last longer than the others. They all have their ups and downs but i recon this DK has won me for sure. Dk dayton 2007 (link here) See what you think. After looking through numerous bikes i can't be bothered to explain the ups and downs of the ones you chose. But that Dk is damn sweet with its setup. See what others think.
  3. What happened to the black one and your old wheels?
  4. I remember i had one of those. Mine had onza wheels on it. Lasted half a year though. So be light
  5. Down the park we use 'Jack cases so you don't have to' alot. 'slippage' 'i'll land it this time' '...to manual'
  6. He's a good guy and been very cool with me. I have waited a few times for stuff but its always come with a sorry note or whatever.
  7. Rubben tyres wear quick if you like skids and sliders. Otherwise they last quite a long time. Puncture resitant but not pinch proof.
  8. Bmx Jam 23rd September Cheltenham Pitville Park New ramps have been put it by the time the jam goes on. Should be fun. LINK
  9. eskimo

    Bmx Questions

    I see where your coming from. The Shadow one is suppost to be good now they reformed it. I first bought it when it came out and the series one edt had alot of downfalls. Hopefully the new one will be good to you. Quick question what foot forward are you poopipe? Chains wise, now, i would recommend the Standard Ind one. But there rather hard to get hold of now. Thats what i run on my trials bike and a KHE collapse on the bmx
  10. eskimo

    Bmx Questions

    What frame and gear ratio are you running? I guess you can't run a fat chain. Depending on your frame you could higher or lower the gear to suit enough clearance for a bigger chain. I've seen some kmc ones vary in alot of sizes. Might have some luck there. As for you grinding your chain away and it not snapping i guess you've been lucky. You could try a macneil bash might give you some help. Or maybe change your technique. Try using the pedal instead of the sprocket. Have the rear pedal low and the front pedal high so you have clearance and the chain then can breeth.
  11. eskimo

    Bmx Questions

    Cyclone link or Pijin link. Plus the several others. Odyssey cranks won't break on you. They flex alot but thats so they don't snap. I don't like the look of them but with a life time warranty against bending or breaking for 140 notes. We The People cranks are one of my favourites. Ring Cyclone up and see what they say. They are good people. They might suggest Primo Powerbites but i'm not a fan of those to be honest. Hope that helps. P.s im running KHE Hiddenburgs with a 19mm mid bb.
  12. Definatly. Look at bmx and the amount of stuck up people and nobs that are riding these days. Thats why i like trials because of the people.
  13. This topic was a good read. Yes maybe some Fatty Forks. People still use them and i've seen no problems with them.
  14. eskimo

    Bmx Questions

    Nope! Untill you look below.
  15. eskimo


    I used to have problems with my knees but since i've been wearing knee pads they've been sweet! Manuals also cause knee problems
  16. Like most of you said it's been done before. Everything nower-days has already been done way way or another. Still you can't not be impressed
  17. eskimo

    New Bmx Video.

    Defo some new stuff there
  18. eskimo

    Bmx Questions

    If your used to riding a trials bike you might be better off going for 20.75 top tube. The back end doesn't seem to matter to much as you can always adjust it a little which makes alot of difference. The Hamilton frame is nice but being 20.5tt it's too short for me. With a 75ha it's pretty sweet. Watch out for some of those fit bike completes. I know the older ones were only TIG welded which was very weak. I think they have improved on that now though.
  19. Funny stuff. How do you people find sites like this. A solid granit seat!? Lightweight at 1643.893 grams. Geeze 1.5 kilos. Wear as a trials seat weighs 0.0000001 grams. Purely because we don't have them. Would be damn funny to see one
  20. I watched the begining when having some lunch. I couldn't pull myself away although i managed to go and fix my pedals instead. That guy was damn scary when i was a kid Funny how when the older brother is getting stitched by that car he hasn't got a freewheel.
  21. I'll turn up if more than 5 people are definately going. I got to get some practice in on the bmx thats why i'm being picky. Would be worth it though if a few are going. Not sure where the weathers at
  22. I run a standard heat treated. Supposedly stronger than the moto bike style chains. £25 and not as heavy as the moto ones. There not on the standard website. Might not be in production anymore. Some places still have them though.
  23. I started xmass day 1999. Well thas when i got my first bike. It's been almost 7 years now. I've rode manely bmx during this time though but got back into trials 3 months ago. So i've been riding trials for around 3 years.
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