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Everything posted by eskimo

  1. Fireworks or no fireworks, people would of spent that money. I started making a video, then i played some Halo. It was fun, it was cheap. Started 2013 off by not going into work and not calling in, just to make a point. Had one illegitimate sick day in like 7/8 year or something in my last job, and 6 days legitimate for a knee injury recently. Though hopefully i get the sac shortly so i can sign on and claim fireworks money for my fagz. Here's to 2013 and thinking everything is pointless
  2. Love the colour. Some high res ones would be awesome when it's built. :bow:
  3. If it was supposed to be longer/ shorter, and the riding was good, they'd be dumb to disqualify you.
  4. You could try and get a shitty job and scrape your way through life. That's my plan this morning. Though it could be worse, you could not have the opportunity, and live under dirty blanket in Africa drinking shitty water. Or you could move to England and scrim it. That seems a viable option for 100ks of people. [edit] Forgot to say. You could just ditch your morality and steal everything. You can still ride a bike. Just f**k everyone else, it's a dog eat dog world and the strongest man survives. If the thief is enjoying his life and you're not, who's the stupid one?
  5. Very true. Roll on zombie land i say. I have a plan.
  6. I know the feeling all to well. I don't think people appreciate their scene's enough. But then, that's why i gave up, used a tripod and have a shit looking video
  7. Really really good! Shame you never put down a GETentry. But i think this would of done nicely as it was well edited.
  8. You just called yourself out This thread is a whole mess of messyness. I think Dave's problem is that unlike the majority of people, he can't understand how people get on with their lives through bad situations that a good number of us have to go through, throughout life. Dave, allot of people on here, certainly aren't naive like you think they are. They just get on with it. Though i did say allot, not all Stoopid stoopid people.
  9. I'd take the mil. You'd regret taking it, you'd regret not taking it. Probably. I know you'd loose allot of appreciation for stuff, as allot of spoiled kids do. But atm, i have a shit job, i'm injured, and it's raining. This would fix them three things. No one can say what they'd feel when they're old/ retired/ retarded. A majority of these people are literally living on hope. The ones that aren't, are having holidays, or down the allotment.
  10. I fully agree with this. He has serious potential, but i don't think he has the eye. The video was very shit, but the rider is real real good at what he does. If he decides train in the trials discipline allot, he will be good. But i guess like allot of bmxers who can perfect rolling moves, as soon as they stand still they're clueless, just like static power moves. It's probably quite evident that trials wasn't his first dish. I look forward to some new stuff from him.
  11. I expect good things from people! You have over a month to go. Even if you hadn't started yet, you could all get at least 2 minutes in, each! HF
  12. That's my point. Grind happy huh? This ain't trials https://vimeo.com/55629701
  13. He sure can! I think Flip has some on his channel. Flowflys..
  14. In defense of the dedicated TGS riders, you have to filter through allot of crap to find the good ones. I like watching TGS stuff, but it seems people throw out videos regularly with little effort so i don't watch them much. To name only a few that i can remember, Rowan Johns, Kyle Livesley, Neil Tunninclif and Rich Pearson. There are others i know, but can't think off the top of my head. I got so fed up of looking through the TF videos section, it's as repetitive as filtering the bmx video websites. GETcreative was also aimed at the TGS too. But i feel allot of people got put off because the segregation some are making between each discipline. Though it was real cool that the novice group was won not only by a 26" rider, but one who wasn't British. I think the only trick he had in the video was a manual? Yet it was very spiced up, smooth and well video'd. GETcreative was supposed to inspire others to make more effort in their videos.
  15. @shercofray What JMCD is talking about, irrelevant on how qualified you are a friend or family member of the business/ manager/ supervisor/ etc will always get the job over anyone else. The person who gets laid off, the same. The person who gets a payrise, the same. The person who gets the blame, the same. The more people i talk to, the more it appears the same. I wasn't going to believe it at first, but it's led me to re-think the direction of my life. Do i go to Uni, potentially waste 30k, and destroy what savings i do have? Or do i just wait till pot luck comes my way? I've pot luck on more occasions than i've seen hard work pay off. As for being a criminal, i think on paper, an employer has to give them an equal opportunity. Same as redundancy, and your nationality. If you're foreign, you get to stay. Whether that actually happens, i don't know.
  16. I've been saying it for years, Kyle is a really really good rider. Each time he rides, he's doing something quirky. Did you choose this song because Kyle's now turning gay? And Kyle, i think you'd be better off actually catching that bank to manual next time
  17. eskimo

    Dominik Raab

    Is this supposed to be a section or a showcase/ project? If it's the latter then ignore me. This video would make me think Raab was actually not a very good rider. He had many single clip lines which i've seen before, or aren't really that special anyway. Why'd you re-use that when you could just go do it again. Though there were definitely some big moves in there which i know i wouldn't bother with and were cool.
  18. eskimo


    More speed/ acceleration and over rotate the first hop.
  19. Call them as soon as the phone line opens on whatever the earliest day. As no doubt they'll have an influx of orders and emails from xmass.
  20. I bought the new Animal one instead. Dak's section is certainly insane though, but Van isn't on Cult so i'm not overly interested. Youtube is free publication for brands, as allot of people won't spend money on dvds. That's why i guess it's still up there. The days of £20 dvds i think, may have gone.
  21. eskimo

    Slim knee Pads

    661 G30 series are the best i've used. Non restrictive and cool. Not a plastic insert, but some hard forming memory plastic weird stuff.
  22. I don't really have a top three, but it's safe to say you're very high on the list anyway.
  23. Quoting goes invisible for me. Java issue my side? I'm on shitty "i'm gonna give you problems Chrome."
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