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Everything posted by eskimo

  1. Sucks to hear, but i guess that's how it goes over time
  2. eskimo

    2013 DJ Ride

    hahahah I could potentially fit it into my schedule. But i'm not sure, and besides seeing friends again i'm not bothered about going. I have other things planned around this date.
  3. eskimo

    2013 DJ Ride

    Likewise. Oh and the cornwall boys, or wherever they're from. [edit] But not Euan.
  4. Best edit i've seen in a long time. He's sure got some skill in making all round good ones. Just wait until you get to the learn one trick loose three. It gets even more fun.
  5. eskimo

    2013 DJ Ride

    Looked like a fun day, wish i could have come. Also nice to see someone documenting a big ride. They're too uncommon nowadays.
  6. High expectations left me disappointed. I do still enjoy watching him ride, but too much bollocks in there. He did some stuff i'd love to have watched, but in such a shit edit, no thanks.
  7. Great video David! Pretty much banging all the way through, watched it a few times. Yeah man, that'll be awesome. I expect an equal amount of clips from both.
  8. Decent riding Euan, shame you stole someone else's edit though
  9. But the timescales given means we have to switch off right now. Yes the technology does exist, but there isn't any room for it in our modern society. You say there doesn't have to be anarchy for us to change. Explain to me in non philosophical terms how, please, cause i just don't get it. What job am i going to be doing? Where am i going to be living? How am i going to transport myself around? etc. This now applies to X amount of people in the world. But humans naturally don't do anything until it's too late. It's how we roll. There are millions of day to day examples of this, some that can even relate to such matters as global warming because they also involve killing or death.
  10. eskimo

    Brakeless edit!

    There are other people around riding 24"s who haven't put out any videos and don't come on here. I've seen one guy progress rather quick with a favourable style and doing tricks no one else on here has even started doing. If he keeps at it is another question, but that applies to every new comer or kid.
  11. I think allot of peoples attitudes on this are the same as that. I clocked that straight off, but it's not an official TED video, just a fan/ viewer edited one. We had snow 4 and 8 years ago here. Considerably more than we had at the weekend, which was f**k all. The weather report also stated, "it could be the coldest March in 50 years", and i've not heard anything else, so i guess we didn't break it. As i said on bookface to Ben, instant changes to the world (if we are to beat his figures) aren't feasible if we want to continue living in some sort of similar way as we are now.
  12. Agreed. All bikes will manual unless they're retarded like fixies While some changes may help you manual, they may also mess up other manoeuvres. You'll need to figure what setup you favour by experimenting, and just keep practicing.
  13. That was a good recommendation, i just didn't mention it. I've not heard of him/ them before, and will probably check some more stuff out. I'm not after sad music for mood changing, just purely enjoyment. If i'm in a foul mood, i'll go ride
  14. Some nice recommendations, though i'm a little disappointed no one could give any electronic pieces. Interesting to see what people offered. Also how people perceived different songs to be sad. Ben and others, yeah it's very broad. I don't think sad and moving have to go together, but they do go together. Obviously your mood and whether a film or action is tied in with the sounds, just like smells, will play a significant part. Don't fancy quoting everyone, soo... That's the first Skrillex tune i've heard (unless i've heard one in a mix or radio etc without knowing) and i was impressed until he decided to use a sampled male vocal. Totally spoiled that tune for me. The rest of the stuff i listened to and wasn't overly keen sorry. This was a really interesting and enjoyable piece.
  15. Fair shout. I just presumed you did. This is often true for allot of people; you do after all prioritise the good times in your memory. You guys and getting older, how old are you guys? pfff. You made the growing up choice yourselves, you can easily reverse it, if you dare
  16. As i said before. The weather patterns imo still aren't a good tell-tale sign of anything. There's a few reasons. For all we know an asteroid could kill us tomorrow and we'd not know it. Some can be impossible to spot. Where'd you get that info about global warming info for the dinosaurs? Like i said before (in person), i'm not aware of anyone with a disability not getting sufficient help. While i'm not saying it's fictional, because there are other examples in the mainstream media as well. It's just not that obvious to me. What i've never understood, is where it came from? Someone in government must of been doing a really shitty job to rack up that much dept. Although it being suddenly a big concern since the tories came back into power, does make you wonder.
  17. Don't you mix quite allot? Use that time instead? Funnily enough i'm trying to get away from riding in a way. Think that's probably quite a weird thing to read for most. While i highly enjoy the social side of riding, i'm init for the riding first. There are friends to be had everywhere, and while i did some stupid/ fun stuff with bikes when younger, i also did other stupid/ fun stuff without the bike. Yeah it was more fun with the bike, but that's because of what i said before. I think you're just nostalgic and wouldn't enjoy it like you remember even if you had the same scene. 'specially seeing as you've mentioned bars and beers. You're probably just craving to be younger.
  18. Well done Ben. The glossary of words was cool! Thanks for the mention Joe. I'll do better next time.
  19. HEX for more trials. Fourplay for more tricks. That's the basics of it.
  20. How du know it's not already offset and designed primary for a 68mm?
  21. Nah. I hear otherwise. I've no more internet left, and i took a photo with the camera yesterday. I'm definitely making use of this non necessary piece of tech.
  22. I don't think people have 'drinking problems' until they're getting pissed at work and destroying their lives. While drinking excessively (but being cool about it) is damaging your health, but i sure as hell couldn't care if you're doing everything else correct. I'm just saying that in relation to 'drinking problems', not yourself ofcourse.
  23. Stop there. Who's saying that Ben? I've sure as hell not seen that in the media, and laws (even recently) have made disabled peoples lives easier. While the government has clamped down allot of benefits and lots of people have suffered, there are still many who haven't. But these figures can only be speculated, but from what i've seen in person, it's not all that bad. The media covers mostly the negative stuff here, and there's too many sources of non mainstream media to read/ listen. Besides, when people are taking advantage of their disability, can you blame the government for clamping down on it? And i mean in the sense of that^^, nothing more irrelevant of their actual intentions. Even so, can you blame people for questioning disabilities? The time has gone when people can give others the benefit on doubt. Is this worth your while? A wonderful example of this is your coat from last week. As you mentioned we've been forced again each other, you rose above this to help. You got scalded, it could of been worse. Now imagen that but many times. How much can one person take before they give in? Not sure where i'm going with that now, but just making some sort of point. Not sure if i buy that one. I wouldn't be surprised if Vodafone's entire revenue from day one didn't even make it. Where did you get that information from? How do we know the deficit's actual amount? Isn't it like a trillion £ Vodafone's apparent revenue for last year was £32 billion. If both of these figures are correct, then your source is majorly wrong. While i don't entirely believe any of it, it would be silly too.
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