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Everything posted by Trebor

  1. And it was Hope that designed that I think!! Don't really like any of the parts, the shoes, well, seems like a 'downgrade' from their previous ones, hopefully the soles will last longer as I heard there were some issues with that. Frames looks fun though, would be interesting to see what the geometry of it is :blink:
  2. Not trying to stir anything here but: Are these actual Onza designs, or were they just picking out frames from a catalogue? I really like the black Coust-style frame, would like to see some pictures of the middle 'bracket' thing to see how big/thick it is and whether it'd actually do anything. Good to see they're trying lots of ideas, any pictures of the stock frame Adam? :blink:
  3. Happy Birthday Mart, you not being on the forum suggests you're out enjoying your Birthday, hope you have fun :( P.S. A moderator should change the topic title so it at least reads 'Happy Birthday" :(
  4. Umm, sand paper'd do the job, slowly . . . Just ride it more until it's worn to a flat surface, then your brake'll be fine :- Edit: Why God why does Adam always beat me to posts :(
  5. I think you'd be better off with a clean rim, as that brushed surface won't last too long, and once it's gone it'll be real bad. I wouldn't say you definatly need a ground rim to have a good holding brake, as long as you set the pads up so they hit the rim totally flat, and the rim is clean, with a nice booster, you'll be fine. Give me a PM, I've got some Heatsink Pads being un-used and I think it'd be better to help someone out who's stuck with cruddy pads, I'll be more than happy to Air-Mail them to you :( In the mean time though, sand that off or get yourself a grinder, I've found a Stone Cutting disc (though they're a load of different types, Metal Grinding/Cutting, Masonary Cutting/Grinding etc) to give a nice sharp grind.
  6. Trebor

    Mac Mini

    Heeeeeey what's wrong with Dells? Dunno about anyone else but I can't ever remember my Dell crashing, had it for over 2.5 years and it's always been dandy, could do with a little bit more ram but that's nowt to do with Dell.
  7. Trebor

    New Video

    Crackin' lil vid, did I spot some of those Fornulae/Goldtec (whoever makes them now :-) forks on that rail ride? How did you get along with those? Edit: My bad, silly fork guards (Y) Cool toon too :(
  8. To be honest I think I've been riding more in the rain and wind and cold than I have the dry recently! It's alot of fun, plus when it's raining and you're sweating your ass off it gives a nice little bit of relief :( Managed to do one of my biggest wheelswitches in the rain, admittedly it was after about 10,000 attempts :"> I think I prefer cold riding, if it's all dry, cold and sunny, it's supreme, as you don't sweat as much (Y)
  9. Trebor

    New Vid

    I'd suggest a Firewire port, it allows more to be transferred at any one time, so better quality footage can be taken from the camera, or something along those lines . . .
  10. Yeah, that could have worked out a couple Sundays ago, too bad about the weather :S
  11. Trebor

    New Vid

    Cool little video, think you could have got more 'variation' in it to show more of your riding style in but still enjoyable to watch :S I swear you had a real nice quality camera before in your other videos? What happened to it, or am I just totally wrong?
  12. I notice you have Eminem in there, hang your head in shame :P Anyways, try to get some Sage Francis, or some of the stuff from the new 'Non-Prophets' (Sage Francis and a dude called Joe Beats) album, called 'Hope' - tis very good, and should hopefully open your eyes to some (in my opinion) good Hip - Hop :S Or Buck 65, he's the shizzle . . .
  13. 'Tis the River Thames, from the balcony of my dads place :S
  14. Can only get to 9600 :S Screw that, I'll go get me some porn, I don't wanna move my wrist any more than I have to before I see naked women on a computer :P"
  15. Adam, in the Proto frame pictures, you've posted two different ones, which is the newer of the two?
  16. Trebor


    Sweet little video mate :( Always good to see familiar spots ridden, bring out some more :blink: Edit: And why the feck it "blue echo bounce" there's not a trace of blue on that bike, 'cept maybe the hubs? :S
  17. Well, if you were able to afford the brand new cranks and cog, I'd have thought you could have got yourself a 10t on the back and have decent cranks, oh well . . .
  18. Yeah sorry, bit unclear in that, the actual seat-stay tubes is what I meant :">
  19. Trebor

    New T-Rex

    Wow, nice bike there How much did it cost in total?
  20. Just thinking, does those hefty seat-stay (can it be called that :blink:) plates not get in the way of your feet? It's a picture so it's pretty hard to tell . . .
  21. Trebor

    Bike Pics

    Yes, the comments about the bike were good, but if the mods and admin don't want people doing it, is it that hard to change? I'm not trying to start arguments, I just think people should maybe look at the situation a little differently, this forum's very good, very pretty leniant, with alot of funky features that all of us members can use, so when asked to make use of the funky features, I personally don't think people should just disregard it and say we want something else. Members still can post pictures for people to comment on too! Just somewhere else on the forum, I think it just needs some time for people to get into the swing of using the gallery more often. I think Trials-Nation's alright, it can do all the things which you guys are wanting, yes it's not trials-forum, and yes the people on their type like complete clowns making it hard for English people, let alone the foreign users to understand it. But the point is it's still there. Aich, I dunno where I'm going with this, not trying to argue though damn you :blink:
  22. Trebor

    Bike Pics

    The gallery itself wasn't just made for bike pictures though, made for other trials pictures, people just need to get used to it. Or maybe we shouldn't have the gallery, or any pictures, or any of our own uploading space at all, and just use Trials-Nation, as that's exactly what the place is for, posting a picture and people commenting. This just seems like a load of moaning over something very small and insignifacant, I can't understand why people get so miffed.
  23. Trebor

    Bike Pics

    Hmm, just had an idea, not sure if it'd be possible: Have a topic in Sites, Vids and Pictures, stickied to the top, with bike pictures in there, if people see a bike that they like, then they can click the add reply button, but the comment wouldn't show up on the topic itself, but on a separate page for each bike. Or maybe just another topic for peoples comments? _________________________________________________________________________ Though it may be a little silly just to do this for people that want to see some bikes, why don't all the people whining about it so much just start their own website, have their own forum, with all the bike pictures they'd ever want, with loads of people commenting on them. I think the mods / admin might have better things to do, if you (put your self in their place) had uni stuff or other dedications, you wouldn't wanna come home to the forum you pay to run with people bitching at you, when there's already an option for them to do what they wanna do, just that they're being petty and are afraid of change - why should you give a shit? My $0.02
  24. Going back to the 60's would be pretty dandy, live in LA, see it all happen first hand :P And going to see myself would be pretty mental, just to see how much a little nutcase I used to be, and take one of those little Monty bikes (Y) Lottery Numbers too, that'd be fun.
  25. IS your real name spelt Alex? Or is it super cool and actually spelt Alexx? May have to change mine Rauub (Y)
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