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Everything posted by Trebor

  1. Sweet frame, and very nice pictures taken, all in all, very promising!! Quite funny seeing this topic, and Boon's 24" topic, kinda shows the spectrum of trials :D
  2. Injury, first thing that comes to mind. Having other things to do, when you know you really wanna ride, that's the worst one actually, knowing you're really in the mood to ride and you find out you've got an assignment, or it's really cold or something :D Edit: James, what Zoo are you riding now?
  3. Good work Prawn, that is an absolute beast, I know nothing about cars but I still lurve that, how long until it's all finished do you think? Thems are some proper bucket seats, haha.
  4. £128? That's ray-dight lobbery! Is this because they're not made any more so are charging higher prices for the last few forks (would make sence) ? Or Cannondale are still making them but charging rediculous prices?
  5. Yeah what's the delay you slag :ermm:
  6. Hmm, don't know why but I really don't think the picture does it justice :ermm: Nice though :ermm:
  7. Trebor


    Nummy nums, just wondering, did you have to do any kind of pad bodge with the 521 or did it all work nicely?
  8. I'm pretty sure that both Stock and Mod Viz hubs are fixed, intended for Front Freewheel usage :)
  9. Good site chaps, the good thing about it being made by riders is that each part has all the information that a rider wants about each part, will be thuper once it gets the online ordering :)
  10. Trebor


    Well perhaps you're more in for getting tattoos for the vanity side of things, is it that hard to understand that people may want something for the meaning it is to them, maybe it'll remind them of an awesome time that they had in their life, of an event, of a great friend . . . . It's a stupid example, but like in the Simpsons where Grandpa and his other buddies from his regiment got the Hellfish tatoo :)
  11. Nice article, though I feel that it's stating the obvious really, didn't give me anything to think about if you see what I mean :) Edit: Sorry, didn't realise that the article was intended to be read by non-trialsy folk :"> On a tangent: Endohopper, considering you're from Holland, your English is superb! You write very well, and make good use of language :)
  12. Ello ello, Could have fooled me, you were still ridin' nice 'n' smooov :mellow: Cheers again for helping me out with the old axle too :-
  13. I expect you'll get replies saying "Don't care, don't care, don't care" but I kinda know how much pressure/work goes into these things, so it must be a huge relief, have fun :mellow:
  14. I knooooow, just that your Forum name's always been Haydon Peter so it'd be easier for people to find you on zee Fo'rum :mellow:
  15. All I've read about it is that's quite closely based around the Megamo Equipe, except with a little bit shorter chainstays, though that was a year or so ago and I expect it's been changed a little bit.
  16. Haydon 'Tic' Peter's the guy you wanna chat to (N) He sorted me out with a couple of tuns from Evolve, they always put a smile on my face, good for the train ride yesterday, infact, forgot to thank him in person :">
  17. Sweet little video dude, was nice to see how I completely vadged up that move :"> What was the tune? Thought I heard Sage in there but I couldn't be sure . . . second thoughts . . . Personal Journals? Really enjoyed yesterday, good to see you guys again, gonna have to come down for those rides more often, I forgot how good they are (N)
  18. Trebor

    New Bike...

    Now that made me laugh (N)
  19. Good point, but Chai's got the Monty Riser Bar & Stem, which is generally lower than the usual trials bars, though yes the stem is a little shorter, and the Echo's got a 71 degree head angle, what is the Black Mumba's headangle?
  20. Isn't it a 1030 and the Echo's what, a 1033? (Y)
  21. Hog = Koxx Style Rims Reggie/Ronnie = Alex DM24/Alex DX32 both drilled (well, not sure about the DM24 bit . . .) Hope that cleared it up (Y)
  22. Right then, it's gonna take a fecking long time to get there, but me and the Chelmsford guys are gonna be in Reading for about 11:30 :- Sooo can't wait for this, havn't rode Reading in so long, I'm gonna suck as I'm rather rusty but I don't care, woooooo (N)
  23. I think about 1.5 years ago no-one would have ever said that :blink: Don't see why you're being so prejudiced bike rider, at least they're trying? Even if some of the frames they bring out are copies, they're still alot cheaper than the competition, and usually with that little extra thought into them. Plus people can only go on looks, no-one has any idea of the geometry of them. The CNC'd one could have f**king amazing geometry, and probably be incredibly stiff, and hopefully pretty damn strong, and knowing Onza, pretty cheap, what more could you want?
  24. Woo, Caisso's an awesome rider, so much skill! Good find.
  25. Trebor

    Woo, 17!

    Happy Birthday, hmm, I always found 17 invovled wanting to be 18 :blink: Was a good year though!
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