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Everything posted by Trebor

  1. Well, I hope you'll sleep better at night knowing that fact :blink:
  2. To be fair it's hardly a great picture, just Jon Mac's obviously a pro photographer who knows how to take the best pictures, so therefore can talk like a condescending arse to any other people that might like to take pictures. It's a bit bland, like, it seems like there's no real focus of it, the only bit that seems to stand out is the Adidas stripes, would have been better if your hands were more steady :blink:
  3. That's the worst excuse ever. You obviously do have money Mr IhaveChrisKingsallround boy :) P.S. Just post in the bike pics thread, surprised this hasn't be closed :(
  4. That doesn't sound too heavy to me, maybe try out a Maxxis on the back, they're supposedly a fair bit lighter than the Michelins. Maybe get some VP pedals, they're good and light. I think it'd be better to just carry on riding it and getting more used to the weight and then overall you'll have more control over the bike. Ach weel.
  5. I think if you're wanting to save weight, it's best not to fook around the thing which is reliable enough to not break and for you to land on your face. What's the spec of your bike?
  6. Rear freewheel, even if you don't want a Hope hub, maybe try a DMR Revolver and get an ACS or Eno and stick it on there. I got along fine with FFW when I had a mod, broke a Shimano in three months then had an ACS Claw for well over 18, once it had bedded in it only skipped once or twice in 18months which is pretty good going. I think that freewheel is still going strong today. But you already have the Hope hub, what's your track record with it, has it skipped or broke in the past? Personally I see no real advantages, I think the only reason they come on comp bikes is because it's cheaper and lighter isn't it? But on a stock where you're not too fussed about weight I don't see the need to go FFW. N.B. Wasn't it you ages ago damning all these new ways of getting engagement, ffw's and Profiles and CK's and how we should all just buy Shimanos because your one had lasted years? What happened to the Shimano :(
  7. But what do you want to get out of this potition, just giving them a list of names isn't really gonna get a reaction I don't think. I'm not trying to be negative (as you may think), I, like some others in here, just want to get it clear what you're doing. As the Circus said, if it's more clear, you're more likely to get support dude :(
  8. haha yeah I thought I was a bit slow to post it, only really noticed it recently though, it is scarily like him though :(
  9. He actually is a bigger version of that kid in the Actimel advert. It's unreal (Y) P.S. Sorry, but I just felt the need to let people know . . .
  10. We already have places to ride which aren't in the street though (Y) I was also on the big Portsmouth ride, I can't even remember getting moved on once, that was even on a Saturday. What part of my post sounded the least bit 'gobby' - I never insulted you, I stated what I thought to be the truth. No gobbyness intended there, and is there anything false about what I've said? Trials simply isn't big enough to feasibly go out and build loads of parks, most of which only get ridden for a while and it just adds to the amount of spots to ride, people still continue to ride at other street locations. I also talk to the security guards and Police, there's no point in giving them jip when we're in the wrong, I'm not unruly, I just accept the facts. P.S. That post might have been in vain, I didn't notice the other posts.
  11. What are you actually trying to change/achieve? You want to make it so we don't get moved on? Surely not? We shouldn't be riding on the streets, outside buildings, in council estates etc - people still do it, they get moved on, that's part and parcel of riding trials in the streets. If you don't wanna get moved on, ride natural - pretty simple really.
  12. Trebor

    Happy Birthday

    Yay, I wasn't the only one to start lessons once I turned 18 :-
  13. Err, cheers for that one. People aren't being bitchy, JT's just wrong :-
  14. Trebor

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday :D
  15. Dunno where he gets it from but I'd like to know, going to Hong Kong in the not too distant future :D
  16. If there's anything stupider than slapping someone in the face, or assaulting them for shits and giggles, it's then recording it and sending it to loads of people and getting arresting for it. Nice bit of Chav Logicâ„¢ there :D
  17. 16:14 though that's with 165mm I would like to try 170's or 175's, have a bit more snappy power for my lil skinny legs :"> Or maybe get a 15t cog . .
  18. I guessed dece was a shortened internet super-cool pwning version of decent? But I'm probably wrong :"> Anywho, kick-ass video as expected :D Are there any more to come?
  19. That diagram doesn't show gradients though, which make alot of difference ;)
  20. If your pads have tar on them, get it off, as well as regrinding the rim to make sure none of the tar's on there from the pads. Grind with Koxx Browns has insanely good hold anyway, so you can still do stuff like an amateur - as I hardly have the best technique and it held/hold (going back to Bloxx once bike is up and running again) fine.
  21. Trebor

    Shit Day

    Tad late but I had a thoroughly good day on Tuesday: Woke up in the morning, did last minute revision for my last English Lit A-Level Exam, first essay was a bit sketchy but the next essay where I couldn't have any books and I had to compare and contrast to authors and remember quotes = me shitting my pants about it actually went pretty awesome, I managed to remember ~40 quotes and wrote what I thought to be one of my best essays. Come home, have a pretty marvelmouse lunch consisting of about 4 tastey sandwiches and then go to get my hair bleachy weached, which turned out ok, I felt a bit sketchy about how it'd look but I was pretty chuffed with it, although I do feel as though I should be in Germany going to lots of raves and listening to Scooter. After that I chilled at home, watched trials dvd, was thoroughly enjoyable, listened to tunes and then cooked my dinner, which was a lurvly stir fry. Then headed down to the beach, met up with lots of people, played some footy. After that I met up with some other guys, went further down the beach to the rocks, where it was fooking warm at midnight as well as really bright due to the full moon reflecting of the water. Had a real nice evening down there, then we walked back to the bakery which allows us to buy food after it's been freshly baked ;) had a bit of a munch out, then came back to mine, watched some Family Guy, and after everyone had left I got to bed at around 3ish, all in all, a pretty rocking day.
  22. Maybe he's after Pete Wrights?
  23. Trebor

    Cracked Bt

    To be fair, it's a trials frame, they have to break someday. And it was second hand, very cheap second hand, asking for a warranty seems a lil cheeky to me ;) At least he's got another one on the way :D
  24. Trebor


    This is a pretty daft topic, as people's views on grips always vary, hence why so many are made to cater for all the tastes. Rubber for Gloves due to sweat problems, especially in Summer with bare hands. Foam for Gloves/Barehands
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