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Everything posted by Trebor

  1. Trebor


    What kind of 180 do you mean? Static 180? I.e. 180 on the spot 180 Sidehop/Up.? Where you'll go to the side and land front wheel first to bring round the rest of the bike. Rolling 180?
  2. Trebor

    New Vid

    Nice one Ben, it's coming along nicely! Will have to ride with you soon, I might actually have a full bike by this weekend, my 3 month period of no riding will finally be over :closedeyes:
  3. So that was your secret Government job, here's me thinking you were 007 . . .
  4. Give him a call, see what's going on in Ghana :P
  5. Trebor


    You seem to be totally over-reacting, stop being a pansy and use the phone.
  6. En-jin bray-king? (Y) i.e. explain what that means
  7. Cool pictures, Burton's beard is getting silly now :D P.S. Happy Birthday (late) :huh:
  8. Good riding in the video, everything else was a bit (Y) though, how many times have you edited a video?
  9. Did Vincent get his bike back (Y) It seems the UK riders are doing good, as Smo said, nice one for the 10th :)
  10. Just wondering, you said it was 157 meg, when I download it Firefox says it's 161 meg, do uploady sites like this add adware shizzle to the files when you download them or something? P.S. Awesome video, could watch it about a million more times, it's been ages since I've watched Waynio and Bucky ride, both getting beastier all the time! So much variation in the riding from everyone throughout - propa keeper that be!
  11. So are these tensioners available yet? (Edit: the Fresh Products one)
  12. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=41481
  13. Clerks. Bought the Clerks X DVD yesterday = beast!
  14. What happened to you getting a Bt Ninja/Echo Control/Bt Raven/Loads of other long frames? Base is short boyo (Y)
  15. It's a feature that SM's have (Y) Jeremy Clarkson is a stuck-up prat who (whenever I've seen him) will never listen to anyone's opinion on cars, instead he'll make some really unfunny comment then people will laugh because he's Jeremy Clarkson. Hell, this is the guy that made jeans unfashionable (Y) Harsh thing to say but if he somehow died in a car accident I would laugh my my socks off* :D" __________________________ *I'm not wishing death on the chap before anyone says . . .
  16. If there was a button to convert it into English language you'd be more likely to get foreign users on there (Y)
  17. True but you shouldn't be driving fast enough to necessitate dropping speed that quickly (Y) Anyway, I don't actually drive (well, only having lessons at the mo) so I've not got a clue what I'm chatting about (Y)
  18. http://www.edmunds.com/ownership/howto/art...92/article.html Well that seems like a reet silly thing to learn if you're just going be driving about on the roads (Y) Andyroo, can you actually drive? Just that you seem to post in every car thread, more often than not you'll refer to Top Gear and that cockface Clarkson, but is anything you say from your own experience? Just curious is all . . .
  19. Trebor

    What Frame?

    Not really, long chainstays, low bottom bracket, pretty cramped cockpit area by the looks of things . . . Would be fine for a beginner, though anything's ok for a beginner (Y)
  20. Well it's been 3 months - take the hint . . .
  21. Trebor

    European Vid

    It was wierd hearing them riding without the music on, Belaey seems to grunt like a monster :( Very big, inspiring riding though, they keep pushing the compy limits!
  22. BEAST You're reet good on the BMX now, even doing the stereotypical bmx'er things, the photography, the clothing style :(
  23. It's on a ceramic, so instead of spending a few pounds extra on pads he just bought silly expensive rims :(" Plazmatic or Zoo's!
  24. One of the many pictures I took when I was working at the Sprite Urban Games, notice the cunningly placed Recycle Bin (I was bored :"> )
  25. Trebor

    my revell

    I think it needs a seat, desperately, why didn't they let the seat tube come out of the top?
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