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Everything posted by Trebor

  1. At a guess - Zebber mk 2/3?
  2. Nice work! Started to edit mine this evening, gimme a week or so and it should be put together
  3. I had a pretty good one personally. Good days edit at college and then went to the pub in the eve, watched the games and hung out with a friend. Thankfully I wasn't in the mood for the big night out so it all panned out nicely
  4. lol, I forgot how generally ill I look. Good work Dr. Nick, some good snaps
  5. I was the chap filming with the straw hat, I managed to get a few snippets here and there. 100 riders each doing there thing, you don't know where to look! It'll be a while before it's edited though, way too much college work to be doing so gimme a couple o' weeks
  6. What an absolutely excellent day, great to put names to faces. Quite funny to mess around on a few people's rides after a good 2 years of no riding! I was the chap with the straw hat filming through the day, the battery on my camera is super mega lame so I couldn't capture nearly as much as I'd like, so much great riding all the time so I hope that the footage gives a little hint/reminder of how it was on the day. Massive thanks to Sue, Charlie and Sam and to everyone for making it such a great day P.S. Big thanks also to Bigman for the ride to the station (as well as on the bike) and to Danny G for letting me use his camera! Also, at Charlie's request, please leave a thank you on the Abingdon United FC message board. You don't need to sign up, just hit reply on the bottom post and leave your name and a brief message of thanks - Abingdon FC
  7. The cavalry are coming I believe, in the form of Rowly and Nickoli McG Until tomorrow gents..
  8. Nerd question but what frame rate were you recording at for that? The motion seemed so incredibly smooth, though I'm sure your riding helped in that too Or is it regular frame rate but on a rediculously nice camera? Je suis puzzled..
  9. Dave that's freakin' excellent haha! That purple hippo can go to hell
  10. 1. Sam Jones 2. Danny Kearns 3. Max Hunt 4. Ryan Iley 5. Joe Bayliss 6. Daniel Gunston 7. Carl Stanton 8. Tom Munday 9. Tom Webb 10. George Fathers 11. Nick Goddard 12. Sam Wheeler 13. Chris Mason 14. Allen 'Boumsong' Watson 15. David Biddle + katie 16. Andy B 17. Chris Elson 18. Dan Brooker 19. Dan Steele 20. Ross Gardener 21. Jack Meek 22. Mike Winton (probably!) 23. Dan O'Shea. 24. Rich Jones. 25. Rowan Johns. 26. Adam-Griffin 27. Richard Johnston 28. steve parry(banbury trials) 29. Adam Bessell 30. James Porter 31. Joe Baxter 32. Ash Kennard 33. Chris Abbey 34. Stan Shaw 35. Dan Campbell 36. Mike Crowther 37. Nick Manning 38. Ashley Wood (Woody) 39. Adam Phillips (Bigman) 40. Alex Munro (probably!) 41. Ben Rowlands 42.john shrewsbury 43.Ryan Granaski 44.Alex Foster 45.Alex Clarke 46.Adrian Griffiths 47. Joe Rothwell 48. Chris Page 49. Luke Walder (Moggles) 50.Dave Anscombe (MRKOXX) 51.Tom Jefferies 52. Dave Marshall 53. Matt Purdon (Skoze) 54. Simon Doyle 55. Steve Tse 56. Josh Joyce 57. rob brodie 58. andy ball 59. Michael Singleton 60. Matt Burrows 61. Max Trumpet 62. Tim Stedman 63. Tom Wynne 64. Rich Pearson 65. Stefan Perks 66. Nick Vaughan 67. Connor Powell 68. Brad Thurston 69. Alex Dark 70. Adrian Jordan 71. lloyd brinicombe 72. Max Dench-layton 73. Adam Holt 74. Ben Collins 75. Sam Collins 76. Davetrials 77. Phil williams 78. Rob Cook 79. Tom Lane (Boss) 80. George Holland 81. Rich Garrett 82. Glen Robinson/Fat Pants 83. Craig Taylor (if the cast is off) 84. Danny Swindlehurst ( ) 85. Harry Cox (coxy) 86. Tom Chilvers 87. Mark Westlake a.k.a. OBM 88. Tom Gilly 89. Larry Baily 90. Nathan Woodley 91. Matt Bird 92. Fred Judd (scene) 93. Owen Thornhill 94. Dave Walters 95. Ben Johnson (El Pedigroso?] 96. Jon Mack 97. Mat 'Scopse' + Dr. Nick Riviera 98. Benjaminnnnnn John-Hynessss 99. Aussie Dave 100. Luke Rainbird 101. grant hundley 102. tris thompson (jebend) 103. matt bradley (the harshest rider in the world) 104. Adam Read (Tart) & Claire (Probably) 105. Joe Hurst(Bob Fossil) 106. Josh Wood 107. Robbie Bales 108. Stuart Powney 109. Ben Murray (provisionally. He's the other rider from around here) 110. Ryan Blackwell 111. Shane barrett 112. Felix steward 113. Sam WAddington (Waddy) 114. Dave Cleaver (Inspired/Trialtech bad boy) 115. Tim Hill 116. graham morland aka Nezza' 117. Steve Atterbury 118. Rob Avery Just with camera and silly hat, I've not had a chance to make it to the Abingdon ride yet so gotta pay the respects to the Jones' as I actually can for once! P.S. I don't suppose anyone has any Sony Infolithium Mini-DV camera batteries going spare do they? It'd be good to be filming as much as possible and I only have one little standard battery
  11. Trebor

    The Lost Thread

    That's what I was saying (edit: actually, no I didn't, I forgot to write about that - silly brain), I was just curious to see if people were as into this program as I am with my favourite show(s) and indeed whether they'd be comfortable watching them in the same style. Nice responses though, though I was hoping there'd be some h-core Lost fans
  12. Trebor

    The Lost Thread

    I'm curious, how many of the Lost lovers (myself included) can rewatch the episodes and still enjoy them on a high level? For me Lost is a very exclusive whore of a show, you'll watch it that one time and it'll blow your mind, the second time around (if indeed there is one) you know the tricks, you know what'll happen (like with any second viewing) but it won't push the buttons. For example, The Constant, that whole episode was awesome, the phone call at the end especially, but I think if I was to watch it now it wouldn't have nearly the same effect. I'm aware you can apply this to any media medium, but for instance I've been watching the Simpsons for over 16 years and I could still watch the first episodes I watched and get a kick out of them. Some things you can even watch straight after you've finished watching them if you're that into it. But Lost - I dunno, I don't think I'd get anything remotely close to the first feeling on a second watching, let alone third, fourth, fifth, sixth etc. I guess it's the nature of it too, you have to know the story to be able to enjoy it (though I've never watched season 1, admittedly), each show as an entity is great but you need to be clued up on it to get the most from it. Again with the Simpsons (or Futurama, South Park, Seinfeld, Spaced, Family Guy, American Dad - the list goes on) example, I sometimes grab a DVD and stick on a random episode with dinner. You couldn't do that with Lost, it's not got that 'pick up & play' aspect to it. Meh, just curious as I said!
  13. But Chuck Norris jokes are still funny...ish
  14. The album Ágætis Byrjun by Sigur Ros. Tis a classic, not seen me through bad times or any bullplop like that ( ) but it's been around for some awesome times, as has cLoudead by cLoudead.
  15. Absolutely awesome, off to watch it again
  16. Lovely little video Rich. Was the sound deliberately out of sync?
  17. Freakishly awesome! This is what the UK 'scene' should be gravitating toward, fun streety trialsy flowy lovelyness. Great vid Rowan
  18. That was awesome, more like this please monsieur travaasss
  19. Someone got fired from the circus! Awesome uni riding Just watched the taunton '08, tres impressive.
  20. Saweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet video Rich.
  21. Why's this had so little replies? Tremendous video! Some sweet purey lines. Smooth and with a style to suit a pretty broad spectrum of trialsers.
  22. Dude, really sorry to hear that. All I can say is that I hope it improves soon. When things start going right you're gonna know it and appreciate it. Go ride
  23. Incredible Mr G. You just get better and better. Obscene riding! Was there an elephant on the loose in Buthiers? Maybe it's my sound setup but 1:05 sounded suspicious.
  24. Trebor

    Koxx Days 08

    Ha, that was surprisingly funny considering the you-had-to-be-there-ness. Looks like you guys had fun! Nice edit there Maher
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