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Everything posted by Trebor

  1. Snowboarding's awesome, surprised you got that much air from such a teeny lump
  2. Felix's side hop to the iddy biddy metal pokey bits at 2:30 was awesome, he's just too light on that bike, annoyingly effortless!
  3. Usual tipple is Double Vodka and Lemonade/Sprite, cheaper (in my local) than a pint, cleaner and you get less bloated. Though I do like the beer too, depends on the occasion. I'm trying to phaze out getting ludicrously drunk, after my birthday I really think I should give it a rest, plus I'm a pretty lame drunk once I get there
  4. Thank you very much! Ich bin eine retard Thank you x 2 for the picture! I really hate when you get a question, can't figure it out at first as it's a new lay-out, spend ages trying to figure some smart way of doing it and neglect the much easier ways of completing it (maybe that's just me who does this)!
  5. Hello there, I'm just trying to figure out how to factorise one of these kinda expressions: x - 8 = 26/x+3 I'm pretty sure you'd then deduce that: (x-8) - (26/x+3) = 0 How would I go about wanging that into some brackets? P.S. Answer is -5 or +10 - still not sure on how to set it out though
  6. MBK? Any more detail on that?
  7. I'm pretty sure he wasn't calling Butler an amateur Just making a statement (I hope) ...
  8. Trebor

    2006 Echo Pure

    Kinda looks like a Pure blended with a Bounce, too bad they forgot the little hole at the top
  9. Trebor

    Andy Hill!

    Exact same could be said for you in Bike Pics thread? Meh.
  10. Trebor

    Best Cereal

    Honey Nut Shredded Wheat or Frosted Wheats Wholegrain is what cool people eat.
  11. Sick? She can sit on her own head, that's more than sick
  12. http://media3.ugoto.com/videos/she-is-a-bi...lexible-c13.wmv Right Click and save. It's just plain insane, so insane I had to show you all - be prepared....
  13. Rediculously light on his bike, that last gap was a brilliant example .... Crikey
  14. From the recent trip : [attachmentid=2613] P.S. AlexT, I can upload the full picture for your desktop if you like
  15. Step 1) Boil some water Step 2) Add the water Step 3) Wait for the noodles to get good and soggy Step 4) Stir the water Step 5) Add what ever shitty sauce comes with it Step 6) Devour Step 7) Regret about 15 minutes later
  16. Trebor


    Did you get any kind of insurance, was it regular 1st Class or 1st Class Recorded?
  17. Trebor


    Well bugger me, that was an absolute pleasure to watch. It was awesome getting to see Nicky G riding. Havn't seen any footage of him for ages. All the hard work's payed off, it was nice and subtle too, editing wise, it just felt like a professional video! Please export that to DVD quality, I could happily watch that again and again and again Edit: Found a teeny weeny error, it was Gilles Coustellier, not Giacomo (means absolutely shit-all and I'm sure you're aware of the typo already)
  18. Trebor


    Now it's 308, are we missing something still or ...[insert computer whizz answer].... ????
  19. Where's that cat when you need him?
  20. Trebor

    Aorta Video 2

    Sheisse, he's definatly got one of the coolest bouncy compy styles! Soooo rediculously smooth and effortless, does this guy ever sweat over a move?
  21. I still play on them today, great stuff
  22. 13 bottles? That's around 6 pints though - you big pansys Advice, cut out snacking, if you drink, get on the spirits instead of beer...
  23. Holy dhizle i'm drunkerd! happy new year everyone. i cannny believe how much of a drunken b*****d i have been tonite
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