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Everything posted by Trebor

  1. Oh my Lord. It was pure insanity, watched the game with about 100,000 Italians. Pure insanity, would not have wanted to be anywhere else to watch that game....
  2. As I'm in Rome and will be watching the game amongst a crowd of thousands the atmosphere would be clinically insane if Italy win. So here's hoping Pretty sure that France will win though....
  3. I thought I'd kill some time on here before my time in the cafe runs out. I'm super glad I watched this. Dude, keep it up. Incredible riding! hi from florence by the way, shit it's hot.
  4. Trebor

    X-men 3

    I *knew* I recognised the voice from the trailer! I think I'll go see this today actually
  5. Riding was incredible as usual from John, always progressing! And tail-whip tony watkinson still does nothing else but tail-whips!
  6. From back in the day: [attachmentid=4912] [attachmentid=4913]
  7. Get it right Siders
  8. Agreed. He is uber annoying as he will* ride your bike better than you can, as soon as he's on the thing... *Except you guys that are just as awesome
  9. Trebor

    Xbox 360

    So Olly, as you're probably the most objective/clued up console dude on the forum - which do you think, out of all 3, would be the best purchase? This is assuming that they're all available... Obviously there's shite loads to take into account when coming up with an answer to that - so make it nice and long winded Are there likely to be any games that are made for one specific console or will they be more widespread? Because for me, it's always been about the games themselves and the controller/controller ports - graphics aren't that essential, as long as the game play is there.
  10. Trebor

    Summer Plans

    I'm starting in Lisbon, Portugal. Then I'll work south to the Algarve for the pretty beaches! After that it'll be along the coast of Spain up to Barcelona for Sonar Festival (hopefully). Then I'll work through France, nip through Belgium into Amsterdam. Then I'll go south to Germany, meet up with friends in Hamburg and Leipzig then through to Switzerland. After that I'll spend about a month in Italy, then after that a week in Sicily then I fly home from Palermo - it's gonna be quite the mission! I'll be backpacking and Hosteling, I make no plans to stay in a hotel, unless the Hostels are exceptionally bad (i.e. in Paris). Can't wait
  11. Trebor

    Summer Plans

    All sounds generally positive so far! I'm leaving in just under a week to go travelling around Europe for three months, really can't wait. Although I'm a little apprehensive as I'll be on my own for the pretty much the entire trip. Still though, lots of time to think about things
  12. Trebor

    Summer Plans

    I'm kinda bored so I thought I'd be a bit nosey.. Well, Summer is slowly creeping in (though it wouldn't seem so at the moment ) so everyone's gonna be wanting to enjoy themselves. I guess for alot of you it'll be the summer after your GCSE and A-Level exams, as well as all the students on here who'll be finished soon! I guess as this is a riders forum you'll be riding lots, but I'm sure you've other things planned?
  13. Lots of Queen. Or just get Night at the Opera, it really is an awesome album!
  14. Trebor


    Is there actually a proper video from E3 or is it just a bunch of nerds' bias interpretations?
  15. Trebor

    A Shot

    Are those squares supposed to be there?
  16. Reheated chilli con carne that I made last night - so freakin' tasty!
  17. Cool little video. It's good to hear some familiar tuneage
  18. So what made you wanna get that design, what does it mean to you to have a woman on your leg that's cut her head off with an umbilical cord coming out of her? I liked your other tattoos, I think this one's pretty retarded. It's a cool picture an' all, but why put it on your leg? You should have just bought the cheesey Eiffel Tower miniature model like everyone else
  19. My dad's got one of these, a V8 version! He's recently had it all refurbed and sprayed and the engine's been tuned very nicely! He's had 2 previously, both were the lame 1.8 versions though I'll try to get hold of some pictures from him later today I really can't see you being able to fit more than one bike in there, and that's if you removed the little bench seat, it's got a pretty large back end but the boot door is quite low so no pokey out handlebars. Definatly a front wheel removal job!
  20. That's the main jist of my reasoning, although cannabis isn't available from your local store, drinks cabinet, fridge, partys - so there's no true telling of what could happen. I still feel it wouldn't screw people over as much as alcohol. Oh well, it's not as though cannabis it's difficult to obtain. Police are fairly easy about it...
  21. In true OTN style: :bow: ________________________________ Those pictures really are awesome, so many good shots. It would be intriguing to hear Ratcliffe's thoughts
  22. Personally I feel that the only drugs which should exist (out of the illegals) are the naturals, those that need little to no human interaction in order to grow or intoxicate you (i.e. marry-huana, mushrooms, salvia and the cacti). I don't personally know the ins and outs of the other drugs (education issues ) but I've a fairly good knowledge of what I do do, i.e. alcohol, cannibis and very occasionally salvia and shrooms. I think the general stance on the ills is a bit too bias. I think it was Bill Hicks that made the joke regarding mushroom use. The only time you're going to hear about drug-use on the news is the bad experiences and/or death. People can have very profound and incredible experience from drugs, ESPECIALLY with music - holy. You're perception gets changed and it always gives you something to think about afterwards (well, from Salvia/Shrooms). I still can't see a reason for cannabis to be illegal. I think they should just legalise purple haze and make it available to over 18's or something. It's alot less harmful to you than alcohol and isn't gonna make you a bad person or anything. I'm not really sure how this tides in with any other posts in here but hopefully it'll contribute somehow. Moderation should be a word synonymous with drug use, then everything'd be alright
  23. Trebor


    Going to a Bonfire at a mates house, should be cool, plenty of bbq, boose and smoke. Then after that we're either heading to the beach to carry on drinkage or we'll head to the pub - I'm looking forward to it
  24. Hell, I still think it looks photoshopped, the pink looks totally wrong compared with the rest of the picture. All pixelated and lame Get some decent day time shots, from the side, not above from the side, a proper side profile shot
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