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Everything posted by ogre

  1. They have a direct correlation. i have overtrained my leg strength for years; i took up rowing in october 2015 and i've spent the last 4 months undoing alot of the 'damage' that over training strength has done. you need to be stretching the ever loving shit out of your hamstrings... i think it's why i've struggled with the siddles the same as you.
  2. they have to add weight to bikes to make them competition acceptable sometimes so fitting in a weight is probably no big deal. i imagine so long as your not underweight they won't investigate why your running something heavier.
  3. i know what it is but i don't know if he's allowed to say yet
  4. in continued happiness; brake is still mega! i wouldn't mind some smaller pistons for better clearance and set up but i can wait for now. we had a 5k test at rowing last night and i set the best amateur time of 17.58 and i know i have plenty more to give next time we're doing one
  5. as aener said just ride it till something strikes you as wrong. alloy forks will offer you the most dramatic weight savings and handling benefits. i have an inkling that the bars are steel too so you'd probably benefit from swapping those out for something a bit lighter. better brake levers and cables wouldn't hurt but they're not bad at all for starting out with...
  6. went to ben at trials addict yesterday; i went a bit mental with new parts but i'm finally starting to trust my back brake Really pleased with the service too; absolutely dialled my bike in. looking forward to being able to ride stock again!
  7. ogre

    CSC X-66 Rim Brake

    i had a play with one of these brakes; the pad return isn't confidence inspiring at all; but the construction and design of the brake is otherwise good.
  8. ogre


    watch some ali C videos he merks a 26" around like a boss (i think he's still on a 26)
  9. ogre


    i'd try and have a go on each wheel size before you make your choice... the only point i'd like to make is that you'd have a better choice of natural orientated tyres with a 26" wheel. they're gonna be equally capable machines. what wheel size did you run before?
  10. get seperate leg and arm warmers, then you can remove them easily when you warm up... thats based on being a road bike gay that gets to warm...
  11. ogre

    The Angry Thread.

    kingston he works in engineering and he's 4 hours drive away, this is what screwed it.
  12. i rode Rory's barn yesterday, was nice to hop with a group mods riding lovely atm too.
  13. ogre

    New Hope Hub

    probably not; we get more EPs on the trials one and i presume this is to cater for boost and all the other new mtb standards that we don't entertain.
  14. ogre

    The Angry Thread.

    don't have any proper mates in london, i wouldn't mind going home too see people for the night but wiggy my usual comrade of choice is working the whole thing, totally feeling the growing up and growing apart thing
  15. my dad got into cycling a couple of years ago and he's just ordered a carbon fibre cyclocross machine; i'm excited for him cause he's never into flash or fancy things but i know he's gona love the shit out of it
  16. probably my first road bike; lasted me for 4-5 years of commuting and freedom, cost me absolutely f**k all to keep it on the road and opened my eyes to what else cycling had to offer...
  17. ENOs are great, i've been running the same one for getting on 4 years now, sealed bearing 72EPs, all the components can be bought seperatley, i might treat her to some new springs soon but i've not had a single skip or surprise out of it since i bed it in. I'm on a jitsie on my other bike and i still don't trust it like i do my eno...
  18. found her on that tinder in the summer, she's areet. i'm totally gonna snapchat some of my filth
  19. shit loada craft beer for dad, flowers for mum, sister and i have opted out of gifting for eachother. big set of lush stuff for the woman i'm currently molesting
  20. ogre

    Winter clothes

    i don't feel the cold so i'm not always the best for advice on this but merino or upper body is great; it will maintain your temperature even when it's wet i use these tops. and full length lycra tights with shorts to keep my legs warm.
  21. thanks adam, i think i'll give them a go
  22. two questions for this thread; firstly i have trialtech sport forks in 26" and a hope disc brake with a post mount caliper. i need an IS to post mount adapter, i know the sport fork disc tab is offset so it puts the caliper further out for a larger rotor. is there an adapter that specifically works for a 203mm rotor in this instance or do i need to just space the caliper out with washers? secondly: do we think these rotors would be any good for trials? i've been using these this year and they've been great, but i wondered if the groove cut outs would give me more surface area and better braking. then i can step down to 160 rotors on the mod and save some Gs
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