That was on the vicar of dibley (however you spell it) last week! She was playing it on her laptop, i think they were trying to get a point across, since it's meant to be a comedy programme, but there wasn't anything funny at all in that scene.
I worked that out, but it's still too damn slow. I like to be able to just be at the left or right almost instantly (like with a regular scroll bar)
Meh, It's not exactly a big deal, it took me longer to type up these posts :D :D
other than the fact nothing works / all the buttons just took me to some random site i've never seen before / no controlls, then yeah... pretty cool :)
All very sweet bodges.
I have my pads bodged EXACTLY like that, same screws, same thinkness, same frame and wheel to mount them on too :P
That bike is lookin' mint BTW :D very classy. And finally someone who posts up details on TF :D thank youuu! :)
Barbara from cleanbikes is ace, best bike shop company person I've spoken to, they could have at least stolen from like NSE or something, then I wouldn't really care lol <_<