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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. Alexx


    it's up, just check http://messenger.msn.com/Status.aspx if you ever need to know.
  2. Alexx

    Po - Ta - Toes.

    lol there was a crazy for that at our collage however the list eneded up at like 50 items long PO-TAT-OES boil em mash em broil em smash em fry em bake em chop em etc etc :D :D (Y) :D :P
  3. Alexx

    35mm Slr's

    haha, unless your devloping room is a 3'x3' converted broom cupboard :o :-
  4. Alexx

    35mm Slr's

    lol, I found a lense worth about £400 in the attic last year when I went up to put my helmet box up there :o Still no idea where it came from / who's it was :-
  5. Alexx

    35mm Slr's

    Digital is they way forward if you have £££ Film is the way forward if you want stunning pictures of a budget (ie: £200) For £200 you could get a crap digital camera, or a nice SLR film camera.
  6. http://www.etienne.nu/imagepuz/nybjcy.htm level 11; open in photoshop, convert to RGB colour, drop onto new layer, fill the background in black and the letters are reveled. (figured that one since it was a .gif, and you can do that with them). I'm off out now, can't be bothered to do anymore, though they're pretty easy once you get the hang of them :-
  7. wtf, it was just hvk.htm :- I didn't even try that I thought it was too obvious! haha, b*****d!
  8. 10: http://www.etienne.nu/imagepuz/uas.htm That was easy, just a bit of photoshop, invert the levels and it turns into lettering :- 10 however is proving more of a challange...
  9. http://www.etienne.nu/imagepuz/ca.htm yay onto 9 :-
  10. haha, that stage 6 had me buggered for a while :- Then I realised it was such a small file it must be text file in hiding :) open it in notepad lol
  11. Damint, beat me to it! EDIT: stuck on 6 though :-
  12. pylc.htm is level 5 :- number 4 was easy :)
  13. I know exactly where your coming from, I know several people who died of cancer. But the fact remains, whatever you do in life there is this underlying 'risk factor', Sure the development of technologies means that my chances of contracting cancer have been increased... but I could walk out the house tomorow morning and get get hit by a bus. The point I was making is, they only recalled this stuff because it's the LAW. On a scale of dangers in every day life this rates 0, it's just how the press have hyped it up past what it's worth. The sun has always given out ultraviolet radiation, so has always caused skin cancer. Oddly enough UV radiation penitration is one of things that recent poloution / climate chance has had little effect on.
  14. my god, your going to DIE!!!! :P :) Yeah those 'you think your safe programes' are total trash. Like going on about the mites in your bedsheets and what not. :-
  15. Alexx


    haha, I do believe in cardio, just my metabolism is just so rediculously fast that after 8 months of solid bulking with no cardio and 8,000 calories a day currently, I'm still under 6% bodyfat :- :) It'd be a little pointless for me :P And yeah, squats are like the ulitmate ass builder! Though if your doing them right, you shouldn't be enjoying them :D I've thrown up doing squats, lol! Great reply phil :P
  16. Alexx


    ... and there is a whole world beyond that, with real hackers, not the kids who live with their moms and hang out on IRC channels and think sub7 is hacking... ... in that world they type normally, and it's encrypted the normal way...
  17. If your that worried about one tiny chemical in a food you eat, slightly increasing your risk of a cirtain random condition you need to live life a little more, stop living off endless statistics and the press... ... the other day I read that drinking more water decreases red cell count and can lead to weekened imune system... etc etc, you can go on with this stuff forever.
  18. It's one batch, in a few random dishes... The fact remains, going outside, smoking a cigarette, drinking a beer... they're all on the same 'cancer risk level' as this chemical. They have to recall it because it's a banned substance, the press play off the whole 'cancer scare' thing.
  19. Hype Hype Hype They only have to recall this stuff to do the 'right thing'... the ammount of the colouring is SO SMALL that your increasing your risk of cancer about the same as if you go outside on a sunny day for 30 minuites... :(
  20. Alexx


    *shudders*... god they should ban that stuff... It embodies everything that is wrong with bodybuilding... :) haha
  21. Alexx


    Not true. ANYONE can have washboard abs. It's just down to dedication, and time. I've seen guys go from 350lb (25 stone) down to 160lb (11.5 stone), and get washboard abs. It took most of them a good 3 years to do. Like I say, it doesn't matter what your metabolic rate is, if energy out is greater than energy in your body has to burn it's self, do it for long enough and you'll eather a ) die b ) get thin :) I've attached a picture, it's by no means one of the best transformations i've seen, it's average compared to some, but i had it to hand. The guy is a member of another forum I post on...
  22. Alexx


    Well, It depends how you ride really. Genrally people sit around chatting, chilling, do some gaps, have a laugh... as aposed to pushing yourself as hard as you can none stop for an hour. It's not going to be as effective as say XC. I'm the same as fuse, bulking, I was 8.8 stone 9 months ago, and now i'm pretty much bang on 12, still at 6.7% bodyfat too :)
  23. Alexx


    Basically, Cardio = Cardio Vascular exercise. Excersie that burns energy (calories), raises your heartbeat, and leaves you feeling genrally tired! It's easiest in the gym yeah, but some people find it too boring, running, cycling (not trials, that doesn't count :) I mean like road or XC), swimming, those kind of things are all good. Exercises like pullups, crunches etc and anerobic, and have no effect of bodyfat. Indeed, you should be working enough to get up a sweat, and pushing your heatbeat up nicely. Slow jogging or half assed cardio does burn calories, but so few it's not worth bothering :)
  24. Alexx


    Nah, I'm just a genral gym rat... have been for like a year or so. :)
  25. Alexx


    Well if you cut past all the crazy diets, and fads, and complex advice, in the end it all boils down to; If Energy out is greater than energy in, result = Fat loss. You should be aiming for roughly 1800-2000 calories per day. Don't get too hung up on this, but use it as a guide. www.calorieking.com is great for getting an idea of what food is made of. You want to try and keep eating high protein food, and avoiding food with high fat (which it sounds like your are doing anyway). You should try spread your meals out more evenly. Eat less, more often. Your better eating 4 or 5 small portions than the usual 3 big portions. Then you just need to do some cardio work, to make sure your burning more callories. It may be a case of just biting the bullet and joining a gym for a month, just getting yourself down there every day and doing an hour's cardio to burn an extra 500-600 calories a day. And muscle doesn't make you look fatter, it's one of those things that the human eye is very clever with, muscle is built / placed in totally different places to areas increased fat stores show. Good Food spread out, Plenty of Cardio exercise, plenty of water = fat loss! PS: Like anything good, it takes time :-
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