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Everything posted by Alexx
Try driving a 1.0 letre japanese car which does like 70mpg and tell me not to drive in 2nd gear :D I'd never get anywhere otherwise. 3rd gear is just... nothing! I still get a 0-60 time of about 30 seconds... :- Though i don't do the slamming my breaks on thing...
Right after you've touched down in your helecopter outside your free pub, ariving back from your country retreate.... ... just walk upto your mates and act like nothings changed :S :D :S
It's not bad actually, it's not like the MSN7 beta, which was a pile of crap, this actually seems like a more solid version of 7, rather than a shakey whole new version. Then again i've only been using it a day.
I thought you ment drive un-insured. My bad. :S
The problem there would be if you hurt / kill someone else while un-insured you're liable to be sued, and they would 99.9% win the case, most likely costing you several million £, and since your uninsured it'd be out your own pocket. Ouch.
I don't think there is enough controversy in this topic... ... so may i interject... BOOKS ARE GAY! :S :D
It's amazing what a lot of makeup, some head-tilting, odd lighting and a low quality camera produce :)
That is pretty much my view exactly, and I think the best one for a none-smoker to hold.
It was quite good upto the point where he started breakdancing in his wheelchair... then it just lost all the spookness and became dull.
hehe, trust me, it's not that we're all brain dead, just: a ) there are so many tools on here, posts like that wouldn't be un-common to be a true post b ) sarcams never carries well over the internet (Y)
Is that a piss take ? (Y) It makes you look 'cool' in the same way boybands from the 80's look 'cool' in their leather jackets and matching suits... ie; only you think you're cool, everyone else just thinks your a tool. :)
We've got a couple of those things, dad uses it quite often. I don't use them though. The good side of them is you don't reak afterwards.
Ugh it's rank, i just don't get why people start. It doesn't get you high, makes you stink, costs loads, and wrecks your health, and you look like a wannabe if your like 14 or 15 or something when you start (like most people). I can understand how hard it must be to quit though, but i can just never get my head around starting in the first place.
Thats the 'far out' theory. The more likely one is that when killing monkeys for their meat the blood got into open cuts on their fingers etc, which was then passed on in the normal sexual way through the population.
It looks even more wank and bloated than XP... GREAT (Y) '95 was by far the best windows (taken in it's time period).
The point about PHP nuke was fair enough though. That thing is awful! (N)
Buahaha, yeah a company sent us a TV after we canceled an order. So dad said that it was the wrong address, then later that day went down to the post office and picked the parcel up and just signed with a random signature. We got a call from the company later that day asking if we'd picked the parcel up, and we just said no we hadn't :P ... Free TV :angry: :)
mmm, pretty much what I think too. Can't stand them.
Years ago I baught a 20" TFT for like £800 and the company sent me two by mistake :)
MrMonkey, for once in your life just shut the f**k up. No one cares - You seem to have something wrong in your head where you just can't not post, so you just post utter crap instead.I can only see your posts because other people are quoting them. It's sad that this has happened, but in some way inevitable to happen at some point. London seems to be getting moving now though, stuff is getting 'back to normal' (for the majority), which is good.
Yeah thats fine, the whole 'web safe colour pallet' thing has pretty much been scrapped now. You got your keyframes in the right place in flash? Sorry, don't know much about flash.
Yeah, thats the static disjointed rollover version, same code dreamweaver produces. :- Your probs better using that, unless you WANT the image to move with your mouse over the content, like the link you provided.
It's nothing to do with that :P You can do it with your CSS style sheet and then defining say class="style:none" or you can add javascript up top and active with the 'onmouseover' command. Here is the more crappy javascript option Into <head> <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <!-- #dek {POSITION:absolute;VISIBILITY:hidden;Z-INDEX:200;} //--> </STYLE> into <body> <DIV ID="dek"></DIV> <script TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- Xoffset=-60; // modify these values to ... Yoffset= 20; // change the popup position. var old,skn,iex=(document.all),yyy=-1000; var ns4=document.layers var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all var ie4=document.all if (ns4) skn=document.dek else if (ns6) skn=document.getElementById("dek").style else if (ie4) skn=document.all.dek.style if(ns4)document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); else{ skn.visibility="visible" skn.display="none" } document.onmousemove=get_mouse; function popup(msg,bak){ var content="<TABLE WIDTH=150 BORDER=1 BORDERCOLOR=black CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 "+ "BGCOLOR="+bak+"><TD ALIGN=center><FONT COLOR=black SIZE=2>"+msg+"</FONT></TD></TABLE>"; yyy=Yoffset; if(ns4){skn.document.write(content);skn.document.close();skn.visibility="visible"} if(ns6){document.getElementById("dek").innerHTML=content;skn.display=''} if(ie4){document.all("dek").innerHTML=content;skn.display=''} } function get_mouse(e){ var x=(ns4||ns6)?e.pageX:event.x+document.body.scrollLeft; skn.left=x+Xoffset; var y=(ns4||ns6)?e.pageY:event.y+document.body.scrollTop; skn.top=y+yyy; } function kill(){ yyy=-1000; if(ns4){skn.visibility="hidden";} else if (ns6||ie4) skn.display="none" } //--> </SCRIPT> Then lastly into your link: ONMOUSEOVER="popup('Link description here','yellow')"; ONMOUSEOUT="kill()" That will do what you said there, as in... it will actually move WITH the mouse, just replace the link desctiption with an <img> tag. If you want to do it so the image simply changes another image on the page, use dreamweaver and search their help files for 'disjointed rollovers'... dreawmeaver does the code for you :P I'd type up the good CSS option, but i doubt your using a stylesheet and XHTML... so the javascript version does the job ... :-
Yay London Are Hosting The 2012 Olympics
Alexx replied to Has anyone seen my shoe?'s topic in Chit Chat
On a patriotic level: don't care. On a sporting level: It's pretty good. On a TAX payer level: f**king thing. On a long term level: it's pretty good. Overall rating: I'm pretty impartial. I'd say it could be money better spent, but in the end it wouldn't be better spent, they'd just waste it on some other rubbish that was probs worse than the games.