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Greetings last won the day on September 4 2019

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    Mr Anonymous
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    Christmas Island

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  1. Haven't been your customer in a long while but was always fascinated to see how TartyBikes was developing and especially, how much effort was being put into stocking the smallest of products. Such success, both with Tarty and Inspired which I see as a continuation of a certain mindset that your business embodies. Pursuing a simple life sounds lovely, yet we're all still quite young and I wonder if or rather when we'll get to hear about another successful eneavour of yours. This news is quite liberating in the sense that it comes at a time when a bunch of people in your position are likely left either exhausted, scratching their head as to what now, or pursuing new projects.
  2. Greetings


    That was a bitter ending. I've not been a fan of Hamilton but my god does that guy have class. Seeing him and his dad after the race was very moving. Imagine if the roles were reversed. The 2nd place trophy would have ended in the bin and a certain dad would be in assault mode. Definitely the highlight of this race was Perez to me. It takes some skill to slow another driver down by 5 seconds a lap. And it's Perez who denied Hamilton a comfortable pit stop under the safety car.
  3. Greetings


    It does look like both drivers went through copse with that incident in mind and were super conservative. Charles went wide while Lewis stayed on the inside. Neither driver took the actual racing line. Here's a breakdown of the incident from the perspective of a coach: https://youtu.be/I2fn0D2wqko Whoever is to blame, one could expect more from Lewis. I've done my share of competitive driving and can't imagine being go outgoing with my celebrations after sending a competitor into the wall at a potentially life threatening speed. His body language said a lot after the race.
  4. Looking for recommendations for a good office printer / scanner / copier. It seems Ricoh is a common choice with a lot of used machines around the £400 - £600 mark. Has anyone on here used one for an extended period of time and can give an idea about how it performs in terms of reliability / maintenance? Alternatively, are the cheapo sub £400 devices from Brothers, Epson, HP worth a look? My output is around 300 - 800 pages a month so not a lot but using an inkjet printer and manual scanner has become a significant nuisance in recent months. Is there anything else to consider besides toner prices? I'm worried that upping the game with a "professional" device will result in significant maintenance costs despite limited use.
  5. Greetings


    Can't find the data or recall the numbers but I remember reading some years ago that a certain recession metric directly correlates with a quantifiable increase in deaths. On the plus side of what Topsy mentioned, recession = less transport fatalities. There is talk about the decrease in pollution in China already having saved more people than have died due to the virus. Still, all of this is very country specific. Also doubt that 1-2 months of a pandemic is a long enough period of time to provide adequate insight. This is a hugely complex issue and we may not be able to round up viral and "recession" deaths for years to come. The swine flu toll is estimated at a shockingly vague 50-100m.
  6. Greetings


    This. I find it amazing that hardly nobody, myself included, considered that it would eventually make its way into Europe and wreak havoc. It's pretty f**king obvious if you think about it for one second. My friend organizes demos, he does most of them, I do about 20 annually myself. Currently every demo during the high season (June) is cancelled. He's lost about 70% of his contracts already and is receiving cancellations daily. As an importer I've been up to date with what China has been going through in the past 6 weeks so it's quite sobering to be experiencing first hand what my business contacts were going through a month ago. It's heavily affected my delivery schedule but compared to what's going on in the world right now I consider myself very lucky. The missus and myself both have old fathers who we have frequent contact with so we've been extra careful. She panics more than me and it's been getting to me lately. Yesterday she organized grocery shopping at 9pm (after considering that 3am when Makro opens is not necessary), got us both respirators and gloves. Neither of us work with people so it's business as usual for us but her brother is a chemist, still lives with his parents and was kindly asked to move out. My mother is a piano teacher and has been conducting classes on Skype this week. Schools closed down on Monday. My gym is closed, had to order some equipment to continue to work out at home. Don't go to restaurants, shop only online. From a driver's perspective things seem fairly normal but there are much fewer people on the streets and trams/buses are half empty. On the plus side of things, the amount of epic memes on the internet. And the spirit of people stuck at home.
  7. Sad to see the forum have so few users nowadays. Good times were had on here.
  8. Connect bike to generator, use ghost to reduce your carbon footprint and lower electricity bills? Always wondered why movies focus around making ghosts go away, when they can be tricked into producing green energy.
  9. The clearance problems are often caused by brake mount misalignment on frames. It seems no manufacturer no matter how "premium" gets this 100% right. This is where PM brakes come in handy as you can file down the adaptor or brake mount on the frame so that the pads hit square on the rotor.
  10. There has never been an aluminium MT5 lever. The body is made from Carbotecture, the lever blade is aluminium. The lever body in the MT7 is made from Carbotecture SL, the lever blade is aluminium. It's a pretty good "plastic" too.
  11. Can we somehow get him to make a new video? It's been 2 years now.
  12. Drove this thing around the track yesterday. Didn't know much about it other than it being a direct rival to the M3 and C63, both of which I've driven and enjoyed. This though is the first car to have scared the living shit out of me. The way it builds boost and the punch it delivers is terrifying. The chassis copes with it just fine and so do the tyres (not so much the brakes) but you're constantly aware of being in a small saloon car that just shouldn't be able to do what it's doing. Honestly, I've driven a fair share of supercars as of now and the closest thing in terms of how the performance *feels* is the 12C. Hats of to Alfa for this one. It did end up braking down and going into limp mode but while it lasted, it was mind bending. And the feeling of driving this and a 991.2 Turbo S for a few hours yesterday, then stepping into rusty old diesel Citroen Xantro Picasso or whatever my replacement is called at the end of the day - priceless
  13. Had 20 minutes today to experience German engineering at it's finest at the local track. All I can say really is that the front end felt weird and the rear end felt weird and that the engine sound is the best thing I've experienced to date. More interesting is the owner of this car. He runs a travel company, is by far the most humble and most tatty guy on the track, always arriving in old trainers and a worn out tracksuit. He doesn't use gloves, special shoes and doesn't even have his own helmet, always renting one out and going for the cheapest one we have. He has an old Nokia with a keyboard. His daily driver is a tatty old '95 7-series which he has 3 of. His garage consists of those, a new Turbo S, this GT3RS and soon to arrive GT2RS. And none of us will be very surprised if he comes over in a 918 next year also wearing his hobo outfit
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