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Everything posted by djb

  1. Right, it's been a while since i've been to Sunny Hunny and with the recent mention of it I want to go there again soon. I was thinking about the second weekend in October but if it's more convenient to move the date to suit others then feel free to say so. All welcome, the more the merrier. Daniel
  2. Trawling through my rather large back catalogue of photos from this summer and found these from the Animal demo held in Norwich a month or so ago: Full res versions on Flickr Daniel
  3. Pure class, absolutely loved them both. The 'VAGABOND IDENT' one I guess is more for your media studies but that fence ride 180 was ace. The creativity and limitlessness of this style of riding is in my opinion soooooo much more fun to watch and to do than the tap/gap/sidehop that trials seems to have become all about. I think we need more people pushing the boundaries and merging the riding genres.
  4. Will it be safe to leave it there for a whole day then - sounds ideal if it is. Sounds excellent, could do with a few more bunny hoppers around - so long as you don't out do me of course, that would never do!!!
  5. If all goes to plan myself and possibly a mate will be coming down for this, it'll be a change of scenery and hopefully a good laugh if nothing else. Since i'll be driving where's the best (cheapest ) place to park for all day that'll be pretty close to where we're meeting? Cheers, Daniel
  6. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryExcellent price and communication. Super speedy delivery. Ace + Given By: djb You were the: Seller Date: 1190312847
  7. Cos i'm too lazy to take a pic of my bike here's some found on google A circlip around a seal - very similar to what you would see if you took your cranks off and had a look inside your bb shell: A circlip on its own: And the required tool to remove one: Now go take your cranks off and everything should become clear. Daniel
  8. Yeah, just give him a call - he's a very friendly guy to talk too and will do his best to help you out. Now I know how to do there's no doubt i'll do it myself if I have to do it again, i'd have to get the modified bb from him but the rest should be ok. Having said that i'm a hands on person who fixes aeroplanes for a living so... A small gas torch like those available in Halfords (or something similar to melt the old glue), a pair of internal circlip pliers and a big hammer (soft faced if you intend to reuse the bottom bracket you're removing) should really be all you need. Clive himself said not to be scared of hitting it which I find generally means smack it as hard as you can, repeatedly!!! The circlip is the circular clip ( ) that you can see on either side of the bottom bracket once you have the cranks off. It is a split circle with holes at each end that the prongs of an internal circlip tool will fit into.
  9. I had to take mine to Leeson last week after snapping the axle. How he does it is remove the circlip, heat the bottom bracket with a gas torch to melt the thread lock holding it in then smack the living daylights out of it to get it out. The new one needs to have the threads and flange milled off and then, covered in good quality epoxy/thread lock you hammer it back in and replace the circlip - piece of cake really if you have the tools. He did it all for £15 for a square taper bottom bracket, which I may add would have cost more for me to buy and he did all the hard work for me while I watched the drag racing at the nearby Santa Pod . He said if you can remove and refit he would happily supply the modified bottom bracket so if you think you can do it then just give him a call and get him to post one out to you.
  10. Sounds like a plan but better still arrange a weekend ride for Hunstanton and/or Kings Lynn and i'll try my best to get there with a mate - I haven't ridden Hunstanton on the Leeson yet, there are so many lines to try out. Also what's the riding like in Kings Lynn? I used to live there many years ago and am trying to remember what would be ridable.
  11. Good little vid that represents the ride pretty well. How typical the only footage of me is my attempts, oh well , maybe some other time if I dare try again!!! Oh, and I think I beat you for number of bails in the vid Dave
  12. Cheers for the comments guys, glad you all like 'em. It means a lot, especially from you Joe - how you can say you're jealous with the shots you produce I do not know! Thank you
  13. I think I can happily say we all had a damn good ride yesterday, even Ryan and his million punctures , I must say I'm aching a bit today though! Anywho, i'm uploading photos to my Flickr account as I type but here's a couple of tasters that are already up: More will be added to the linked site as the afternoon passes, you'll just have to be patient
  14. I stumbled across this the other day when I was looking around for free Mac stuff :$ . Scroll down a bit and there's a paint-esque program that may fulfill your needs until uch a time as you can acquire photoshop
  15. They only come in one length but can be cut just like any other cable. You won't be able cut the outer with normal cutters though unless they're a damn sight better than the ones I use, a hacksaw followed by a bit of tidying with a file is what is normally required.
  16. You can add me to list, probably with a good few others too since a new scene has appeared in Dereham from absolutely no-where. I'll bring my camera with me, it's about time I finally get some non-skate-park riding shots with the new toy.
  17. Do a search for Motel6 on ebay shops. He just sells skate shoes, most are buy it now sub £30 with excellent speedy delivery. I've bought a couple of pairs off him now and have been very pleased.
  18. I can't make it now. Oh well, I will make the big one though
  19. I was thinking of coming over tomorrow, especially if the weather holds out. Paul, when and where are you guys gonna be bmxing? No offence to the other guys but it'll probably be more fun for me if I ride with your lot for a bit!!!
  20. 'tis about time I got out on the old steed again. Are you guys meeting at 11 as usual? How's about meeting later (say early afternoon) so we still feel like riding once the shops have shut and security has gone home?
  21. djb

    What's Your Job?

    I'm a graduate certifying aircraft mechanic working for KLM UK. Basically I spend all day servicing aeroplanes but it's far more interesting than it probably sounds. Although i'm at the bottom now, with a couple of years experience I will become a licensed certifying technician and will then be able to certify aircraft to go back into flight. The license will allow me to work pretty much anywhere in the Commonwealth and the job at the moment is a highly sought after one globally so the opportunities are pretty much endless. As with any job there's a rubbish side to it but the future potential currently outways any doubts that I have now made the right career decision.
  22. Unlikely i'm gonna come into the city tonight, i'll have my bike with me just in case I can and i'll give you a ring if i do.
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