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About djb

  • Birthday 08/07/1984

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    Leeson Fluid 609, Middleburns, Rhyno-Lites, Thomson stem, Doublewalls, Avid Ultimates, XTR levers, Hope everything else.

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. djb

    A Plea

    Hey George, long time no speak! What dates and times are you going and coming back? I'm off-shift for the whole weekend and may be able to take holiday to extend it if necessary. This is something I would absolutely love to do. Daniel
  2. Awesome dude. Not one photo in there which isn't publication worthy. Hopefully I'll be able to take part in more of next years if I ever get my bike back from Clive.
  3. Damn it, my frame is nearly dead now and I can't afford to kill it, it's still repairable and I'd rather keep it that way so going to give this a miss. As soon as I get it back all fixed and looking like new I'll be out though.
  4. I kinda had a year off last year, got a bit bored of it all and was going through some hard times, all's good now though . I've been riding loads this year between bike and body breakages but still have the Leeson, it's cracked now so I need to give Clive a call but it'll holdout for another ride or two (I hope!).
  5. I think most people run something a little stiffer, more like 22-16. I run 20-14 on my Leeson which is fractionally tighter again.
  6. You want old faces hey?! Well you can count me in all being well. Hopefully by then I'll have recovered from this weekends stint on the 24 Tour.
  7. Just got home from what little of the tour I could manage. What an amazing two and a half days, thanks to everyone who encouraged me to send anything and land nothing lol, I've got some serious bruising coming out!!! Special thanks to Simpson and his uber friendly parents for putting me up for two nights, massive I'm absolutely gutted I can't do the rest of the tour, I'm sure it's gonna be a barrel of laughs if yesterday and today are anything to go by. Enjoy it guys, can't wait for the video. Travel safe and ride hard.
  8. OK cool, sounds like a plan. I'll give you a shout if I get held up anywhere and can't make yours by mid-day. See you tomorrow, can't wait EDIT: has anyone whos' comeing to Southend got any spare forks with V mounts for 24" wheels? mine are currently in a sorry state, usable but definitely on their way out.
  9. Cool, thank you very much. Where's the best place to park the car when I get there tomorrow? Just noticed the postcode you put up, is that your place, it looks quite a way from Southend (for a trials bike anyway)? Am I going to be better off heading for one of the train stations or the sea front, bear in mind I have no idea where I will be going and will be relying on the sat-nav so the more obvious you can make it the better
  10. I've just realised how close this is and how very unprepared I am for it. I'm only doing Southend due to work commitments but have no idea where I'm going, meeting people or staying. I intend to arrive sometime Friday, probably early afternoon so I can get some riding in, then stay overnight and ride Saturday, leaving Saturday evening/night. Where's the best place to park and where can I stay overnight Friday - peoples houses/camp site/cheap B+B, anything will for a night. Sorry if this has all been covered but I'm a lazy bum, have not kept up to date with the thread and don't want to read the whole thing. Thanks in advance, I know one of you will help me out
  11. I'm always stalking the forum, rarely ride but hope to change that this year. Just need to get some forks sorted then I have no excuses. Put something in the rides section and I may be able to dag along a couple of mates as well if it's during university holiday time.
  12. Depending on the date I might drag my lazy old skool arse out for some fun in the sun at the seaside, it's been far too long since i've ridden properly but I went and dragged the bike out the garage the other day for the first time in a year and the blasted dust mites had put a two inch crack in my forks so i'll have to get them sorted first too. A bit of persuasion might even get George and Paul out, what do you wreckon Dave?
  13. Might see if I can make it to the Southend ride, it's ages since I've travelled anywhere for a decent group ride and this sounds ace.
  14. No chance of splitting it, sorry.
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