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About c.kezer

  • Birthday 12/31/1990

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  • County (UK Only)
    West Yorkshire
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  • Quick Spec
    echo team hope trials disc zoo bar stem try all rims echo forks (easy) profile on a silver try all rim try all cranks with zhi bash ring

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    trials trials more trials oh and rugby
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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. haha sorry i thought you was being serious :$ chris
  2. thats abit harsh isnt it ?? hes only being friendly chris
  3. most people hate them because its hard to do sertain things on them but not every thing is hard on them there actualy good for sertain things but not every one hates them. its mostly just what the majority or riders perfer. chris
  4. hey i ride in good old crapy hebden bridge aka hebbers. i do wel sny thing i want to prety much every thing depends on the weather and the mood iam in. chris
  5. the new 07 pythons are good realy nice to ride but the 06 one is a bit bad because it has the huge ugly bit of cnc an are long. chris
  6. yeh i think they would look sweet. one of my mate has pink rims with black hubs and spokes looks fine he is also geting a zoo there is to many green zoo not seen one zoo with pink rims. would be nicer with a black frame but it will still be sweet. chris
  7. on the front i would say a hope mono tials but if you dont wat to get a hope mono trials get a avid bb7 cable disc there good as well. on the rear a magura. chris
  8. yeh it is heavyer but you wont notice any diference at all if anything it will build your arms you so that you wont notice one bit chris
  9. hi jake wel if your geting a new bike i would ether get the new07 t comp because it has maguras it is basicaly the old t-pro. but if not try and get a old a 06 t-pro i used to ride they are prety nice to ride. chris
  10. echo team for the win i love it . chris
  11. are you on about fiting an 05 lever in to an 04 body because you can't do that just buy a new lever there not expensive or ether get a new tpa cheap as chips> tarty bikes look on there chris
  12. get a 20 inch but if you can get a 26 defo get one of them beta than a mod but mods are still good. chris
  13. just rip the tar off the road does the job . ether talk to ali c about your v brakes because his is a beast or get a magura on the scene. have u ground your rim that helps to ??? chris
  14. yeh get a spank rim ali's is wel good or a try all rim. the echos are good but i wountd get one because they are a heavy rim in with some of the dh rims i think . chris
  15. hey sam welcome to the forum hope ou like it and find it very helpfull and fun. chris
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