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Rob Thomson

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Everything posted by Rob Thomson

  1. P.S - I will call at some point today, just uni work has crept up on me and bitter my arse awfully hard!
  2. That real disk mount/dropout section looks f**king fabulous! Why can't every frame utilise the same frame features? That looks much better than the Dob did Adam! Well done you schlag!
  3. So is my understanding of the english language...Or it is Ozzy, I can't work it out
  4. This is the basic thing for my UV piece...Inside work has been tweaked slightly and will be neatened up plenty when it's being done... Very poorly shopped on, but you get the picture.
  5. I've had it 4 times, means i can't order from them anymore as nothing goes through... Last time I called up and got it confirmed the item never arrived, so i cried and gave up... Boo EDIT: This isn't a rage at tarty if anyone thinks that, I just hate technology as it works and then cocks itself in 90% of cases!
  6. Nope, just on it's own... Alot of the UV work I've seen you can't see under normal light, we shall see... Still, quite a fan of scarification so a pink scar works for me as well haha
  7. Booked my forearm piece the other day, 18th of april... UV ink = Epic Win
  8. Yeah i know it is, just i've seen it done with my flatmate... Not encouraging it, just saying it is possible, however stupid it is...
  9. Why? Don't really need to scalpel till your around the 40mm mark and want more, anything less than that is just a bit of a waste of flesh? I realise it's quicker but you can, if you really wanted to, stretch about a mm every two days. Surely you weren't in that much of a rush? Try stretching your conch and top rim of your cartilage, that's what real men do Haha Back to the topic, B.E.A.U, just go to a proper piercing studio, i.e not f**king Claire's and get them to give you a 1.2mm in your ears if your wanting silly little diamonds. Is very likely it'll be about £30 for the pair. Yes they'll use a needle and yes they'll heal fine in a few weeks.
  10. I reckon I should get mega uber points before I even submit anything, as I'm still riding a Zero and all you lot have gone loser-ish and long!
  11. Police will be able to track him down easier once he loses his anonymity...
  12. They don't any more, think they stopped in 2003, but not 100% on that year...
  13. You know you want to come! It should be a good laugh!
  14. Haha so you're just throwing up a random opinion and hoping for the best? Sounds like pretty good view on things there! Smooth P.S - How much they going to cost?
  15. Yeah, there's plenty of us! We're riding glasgow on Sunday mate, would be good if you make it down... I think so far its myself and 5 or 6 others...
  16. It's a real b*****d but looks like it might get pretty scary pretty quickly!
  17. Well, got my D40 in the post today (cheers dec!) so thought i'd take it out and see what i could get, some of them worked out quite well, apologies for the possibly poor photography, still working out the camera! Ross gap up to front Me being a retard missing the wall Ross being a sex panther Cheeky wee drop Footjam tailwhip (first successfull one!) Ross clicked t'f**k Rail to rail Rail ride Camp phone demonstrator Gap up to front Casual gap from myself Riding up the rail Bunnyhop to backwheel
  18. Czar actually (A) Risers feel like hairy man arse...
  19. Jesus christ, had a right fluff with that, working now though!
  20. Well, finally got round to taking some pics of the new ride, it's pretty much done, just need to get a proper tensioner, a rear black rim and put my front mono trial back on when it comes back from the shop! Enjoy...
  21. I didn't want to lie to her... I did tell her i didn't find her fit when we were having sex which does make it a bit harsher.... Woops
  22. So you're just as bored as I am, I'm actually close to tears I'm that bored... Nice wee videos Ross, ill have to make an appearance in one at some point!
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