Hrm, "Raubs" real name is "Rob", and last time i checked my name is "Rob", meaning his name is similar to my name you spaz....If i were to say "One of them is me" then ill let you off, but i didn't, did I now??
No grudges will be held, or we wont particularly care....mainly cause....ummwe won't..
Go oooonnn :D
I have a vague idea...his names a bit like mine.. :P"
Yeash, erm i have that background....but erm he puts forward apic of his sister with the line "what would you rather ride"
But this topic is erm...a bit weird if you ask
Oh, and one more thing about cleaning rims, "Cif" (of Jif to the rest of us) works amazingly well for cleaning rims, get a bit on a toothbrush and total scrub awal...oodles of shite will fall off, thn clean it away with clean water and give it a wip down with a clean cloth then leave it to dry for a bit.
If you give your pads a scrub with Cif as well that really clears them up...
The old "Boiling Water" technique always works well....Take off the crank bolt, pour some water (boiling) over the crank arm/BB area then twat it with a hammer.... :-
I've got like this pretty long concrete car park which we never use in my house in AD< i never thought about it but it would be a really good place to build's within the walls (12 foot plus) of my house and shaded as well!! And it's always empty....
There is a topic with ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about spoke lengths on this forum.....It even gives you a nice quick link to a spoke please just read that and do it yourself....Ad's a nice guy and we don't want him going crazy with folk like you just ignoring the post!!! ;)
First of all, read the millions of other recent posts about koxx rims, failing that.....Re-using spokes isn't a terribly good idea, and the spokes you already have most likely wont be the right length.....and it should fit, granted you pay enough attention and buy a hub with the same drilling as your rim!
It's alright...i got a copy from fraz's house chas...cheers....I can safely say the vid is fooking even has a clip of my cycling into a wall :lol:
Well done to all....
Cool stuff....erm when i was last there chas worked on off 2 see shrek 2 the saturday sound good?? I'll come through on my jumps rig.... :ermm: