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Rob Thomson

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Everything posted by Rob Thomson

  1. To sum up, I'm lazy...This is really the basic theme to this post... I've also been out of the riding game for the past few months, went out for the second time recently tonight and my 'burns are rounded off...b*****d... So basically I'm trying to find a replacement set and was wondering if anything new and fabulous/ly cheap are around to replace them.... Any recommendations?? Or has anything older gone down in price?? Cheers you lot.. Rob...
  2. Oh, i generally make sure i don't jizz on my trousers, if i do i make sure i clean it up You obviously don't...
  3. Christ, Lucyy Pinder pwns all these munters.... And Kirsten Dunst is just FUGLY!
  4. Haha you've gone from a "kind of a chump" to a "100% chump", to a complete tool... Stop whinging about it, she's obviousley mildly retarded so just leave it... go and go your hardcore image thing to some chavs and feel better about yourself...
  5. Matt, I'll give you endless loving in at least 20 different ways if you upload it to eengodedidee I wanna see that sexy a.......i mean.... your riding is just se....err incredible (Being serious....me wants this vid muchly) Christ I'm such a brown noser... Please
  6. Yeah just the Misfits 'face"
  7. Ho hum....f**k tsg! Somewhere else please?
  8. Well yeah, all in the title really...What's the song in the encounters trailer called? Cheers...
  9. Meh ive been living in this so called "30 plus" for a decade! For BLEUGH, I win
  10. Your post is confusing the hell out of me to be honest! If you want to buy it, then it's YOUR decision.... What others think about its look, size etc etc doesn't really have anything to do with your decision People have diferent veiws... So they can't really help unless they have anythign to mention about it's construction and possible (or known) weak points....which you haven't asked for? P.S - I know it's probably not, but your post just seems to be some sort of sly Onza Market Research....As if theyre having second thoughts or something and they're attemtped to cover it up by adding some random bitties in *The thing that prompted this thought was the whole "how much would you be prepared to pay* etc etc bit...... I know this is highly highly doubtful, but I have a mind like that.... Very bewildered Rob... I've seen it before and still haven't grown on the drop in the chainstays....Just a random and slightly pointless design feature that has been thrown in for "the shizzle"? Or does it improve the strength and performance of the frame in anyway?
  11. Rob Thomson

    My New Vid

    Someone.... You know what i want *Cough*Eengodidee*Cough*
  12. I'll be 27...Shit... Hopefully working somewhere in the media industry, maybe as part of a film crew or for the BBC or something... Will have lots of tattoo's and piercings....Maybe dreads? May well have a missus... Still riding of course! Still gyming it all the time! I hope...
  13. Ok well the site etc etc loads all good and fine....Save the video, it starts downloading at about 1.2-1.8kb/s (Estimated 4 hours to download this vid to put into context), then it dies not long after....It says the file has finished downloading when it;s only downloaded like 1meg of it! The video plays fine, well what i get of the video, i only managed to get the first 3 secodns of this vid before it stopped.
  14. Someone upload it somewhere else....I seem to be the only person not able to get vids from tsg!!!! Argh, it's the case with every bloody vid on the forum just now!!!
  15. No it does that when i download it, i avoid streaming wherever possible... First off it downloads at about 0.2 kb/s...Then just dies...It does it with every video from that bloody site!
  16. Chas upload the vid somewhere else as tsg.what doesn't work at all for me! I managed to get as far as Fraz's talwhip thing on the steps then it died...... Upload it somewhere else!!!
  17. That's fairly similar to mine as well....Tis almost time to change programs but mines is currently: Sunday: Chest and Tri's Monday: Lats and Biceps Tuesday: Delts, Traps, lower back Wednesday: Legs Then the otehr 3 days are cardio or just full body stuff. Nothing as strenuous as the other days, but just enough to keep body working. One of the coaches at my gym is Hassan Al-Saka (if you're heavily into body building you'll know he's won Mr. Universe twice ), He's given me a fair amount of advice on pretty much everything....Should really get a new program!
  18. What's happened to the catties then? Especially the big fat one...Sumo was it??
  19. This has been posted a couple times before...They have a website...Farking expensive, there are loads more better vid's on their site ...
  20. Someone please put it on eengoedidee... Tsg or whatever is just shite....
  21. Rob Thomson

    Nbr 18

    Now that's a song i haven't heard since i was about 12.. I was obsessed with that song! Good to see it's still listened to! Video has some impressed shizzle in it...I loike
  22. Argh it's f**kING BLOCKED!!!! GRRRRRRRRR Shitty ISP yet again!
  23. That's highly impressive...You got any job vacancies? I want to me a tart, teehee....
  24. Rob Thomson


    I spit on the floor...Maybe not every 10 seconds...but still pretty often....I think my saliva glands are f**ked...Does that make me a chav? I'd hope my punk-ness would answer that? Lots of Love, Your Friendly spitter (chav) This topic is such a load of bollocks...
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