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Everything posted by streetjibs

  1. need to replace my shagged out rhynolites (24inch) was thinking of going for another set of them but thought id better look around first... found these... seem nice n strong and eyeletted. Being dmr should be fairly strong also.... anyone (preferably 24" riders) have any feedback on this rim vs the rhynolite??? thanks again!
  2. -posting for a friend- mate wants to know if the mavic d521 is too narrow for the width of the brake mounts on the ashton justice?? Will he have to change rims to say a dx32 or similar for brake pads to reach rim.... thanks
  3. ahh ok, thanks dude. I always put waaay 2 much in i thinks is FinishLine Wet still the best for kings??? danny.
  4. ooopz - silly me!! thx dave85 i can relax now and pray 4 time off work so i can ride!
  5. got the classic king with fun bolts, hd axle etc etc the works! did a full clean and lube a little while ago (finishline wet - as usual) cuz its good! and then holy toledo... hub was all quiet runnign and super dooper smooth after about 4 rides its lound as again which doesnt bother me... but as i looked closer around the collar (which is done up tight - no sideways wheel movement) was a whole lot of lube and on the other side (singlesppeed setup) there was lube comming out and running down the spokes. MY KING IS LEAKINNG!!!! I dont wanna have to pull it apart and relube it all the time.... but i dont wanna run it dry. All the parts are stil on it... im just wondering if the seals have worn a little bit or something? ANY IDEAS??????? advice and questions welcome... thanks in advance! danny
  6. cheers for the advice mate... yeah im goin to sms wayne (been friends for years) and ask him to try sort it out then post out to me. thanks! dannY
  7. Thanks all for your replies... however as it loooks like they aint even going to reply to my email!!! I guess il have to look elsewhere.... thanks anyhoooooo
  8. ok lets start about 8 years ago... cracked a kona cindercone (bk in the days of modifyin xc rides for trials!) cracked 2 monty mods cracked a planet x zebdi mk1 cracked a echo team cracked a ashton justice mk1 ... its funny though.. im stil riding my ashton ed tongue (love it!) and its stil going strong getttin close to 1year on!!! sooo many have broken...
  9. been searching around for something and finally found it on bikedock site..... cuz im in australia im just wanting to know that its a reliable place to buy from over the web?? any reports? iv bought much stuff before online but never from this shop.. .just dont wanna get burnt! thx danny
  10. haha... glad to see it hadnt already been posted.... YEah HOW MUCH IS RIGHT!!! grade nine titanium with all those cncd bits... Rich kids only need apply!!!!
  11. ok, 1st up my king hub is mint! all the upgrades (steel driveshell, bolt through axle etc etc) Being close to 6 years old its rarely skipped on me and never has it been bad... until 2 nights ago! Just riding along with a mate in the city and snap... very biiiig skip sent me into the bars and left a nice big shiney egg on my knee. after work last night (well at work - but hey the boss doesnt need to know!) I pulled it apart did a complete clean and put it back together complete with a fresh coat of the essential FinishLine Wet lube. Here is where my question comes - remember this is for the bolt through hd axle - so please only reply if u know what is going on.. THX when i undid the bolt on the collar and went to unscrew it to get the axle out... the collar spun around about one turn and is stuck! I was able to just pull the axle out but the collar seems to be wedged or stuck to the hub shell!!!! DUnno how!! but what it means is that when i put the axle back in it only needed 1turn of the collar to tighten it... so im guessing theres very little thread holding the collar to the axle (which i guess cant be good for it!) Does anyone know if this has happened before and what to do so i can free up the collar from the hub and allow it to screw onto the axle properly???? I hope the above makes sense... its really hard to explain. please post any questions about it - as i need to know what to do asap. Big THANKS!!!!! in advance. danny
  12. http://www.titerra.com/ti-tr.html - Holy Toledo batman!!!! thats freakin light! not my style of frame at all but hey found it on net other night and wasnt sure if people had seen it so here it is. 1.3 kg frame or 2.8/9 pounds!!! dunno if its been posted already ... but here it is anyways... enjoy!
  13. stick with azonic 2.5 risers... and get the highest rise stem possible. i think the old roox danny stems were incredibly high. dunno about how strong they are with only a 2bolt faceplate. maybe look on some online shops and see whats available. tartybikes, chainreactioncycles etc. danny
  14. Fork Length is 405mm.... leeson forks may be an option, but curtis iv heard are heavy planet x sounds good but again weight? would have to check length on all of them.... Maybe Steve (heatsink) could whip out some ashton/fatty r copies to go nicely with the new 24UK!!!!??????
  15. Agree with Boon! 105x10 feels mint. I have this setup on my ET (yes it stil in 1pce!) with a 10mm spacer (wish i had 20mm) - add to this 2.5inch azonic risers and levers angle out ... so as to be almost horizontal (ish). This IMO makes 24s feel mint!!!!! Also as Matt said about tyres... im usin dmr tyres f&r (using high pressure) - really makes it feel brilliant. its a bmx bike for trials really though gotta be careful on rails!!! anyways hope that helps... 105 x10/15 and 10-20mm of stackers and youll be laffin!
  16. ....ok, So i need to go for steel forks (so i can safely get mounts rewelded) and something with a straight blade (ie NOT pashleys) mmm any ideas.??? wayne mentioned planet x one. also thought of the onza tuff guys... any others???? preferably in 405 length (so its same as ashton) thx again!!!
  17. thanks all.... well its a shame the new ashton forks dont have the adjustment to 24 inch wheel that the old ones had oh well... looks like il get some steel jobbies and do the rewelding thingy! big thanks to wayne and arnold for all you posts! Catch up with you sooon Geeeez... sorry wernt on thurs mornin. been hella sickk with flu or some dammed thing! need to talk to you asap bro... wanna get a 26er aswell. mint bro! danny!!!!!!
  18. HEYA BRO!!!!! its beeen w@@@@y toooo long geeez. yeah i got this thursday mornin off work (my time) so will try be on geeez. only got rhynolites..... so will probly try it. Looks like new ashton forks only have 26 inch mounts anyways.....fkit! catchya asap bro! anyone got any ideas on forks..... any????? might try new ashton forks with upside down evo.....
  19. Does anyone know if the upside down evo moounts on 26inch forks works for 24 inch wheel???? if it does thats my answer! thx
  20. ahhh mint!!! thanks dude... Legend! if ezyier... add me to msn dannyboy@biketrials.com (yes someone stil uses there ol skool biketrials.com email lol!) cheers oh shite... i gotta run now 4 dinner! , will check back in few days (long hours at work this wk) thanks for all you help.
  21. yeah your right.... but i cant find either forks available for sale. if i knew what lenght the fattys or ashtons were id get some similar forks. Anyone know length? or where they measure em from/to so i can measure mine... thx!
  22. oh ok, yeah... i was thinking that there wasnt much of an option considering im on rim brakes. may have to put a disc on so i can use 26forks like u said. errrrrrr anyone know the length of the ashtons ... i think its 405mmm but dunno where they measure em too. thanks for your help 'derf'
  23. Yeah i do.... forgot to mention. thx
  24. nothing new hear.... just wanna know what forks i can use to replace my Ashton forks on my 24". Spoke to Mart and found out he's out of stock til later inthe year. So im in need of a 24" fork similar to the ashton?? I know the Fatty R is the same... but i doubt il find any them/?? Dont wanna use pashley with rewelded mounts.... I just want same length forks either steel or alu... not 2 fussy. Maybe the ON1 forks the white ones... if anyone knows about em please post.... Anyways... this was meant to be a simple question - What forks can i get for 24inch that arent raked out like pashleys... Just a straight blade fork in same length as Ashtons??????? phewwwwwwwww. danny.
  25. thanks Matt.... iv added u to my msn hope to catchya on there sometime soon .... cheers danny
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