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About koxx1

  • Birthday 08/23/1990

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    nick reed
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Echo lite DD 2011
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    MY BIKE!
  • Location
    canvey island essex

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. a few years ago i done a 360 off a small ledge and a nearby chav shouted 'S**t your bike must like you or something' that was kinda funny.. then there is the do a trick, do a wheelie, do a skid, can i have a go, is it light, wheres you seat, how much did it cost. usual rubbish haha
  2. Looked at ns bikes frames? the seem to do a fair range or park/street sort of bikes might be worth a look if you want to have some fun on the way http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Brands.aspx?BrandID=658 get one and tell me what its like haha
  3. looks pretty awesome mate you could sell these would save people money on buying the expensive park tools etc ones Edit: just add a extra clamp to hold the bike off the floor and your sorted.
  4. as for the bb i think i wil leave it in when i sell the frame. I only wanted to visit my LBS to borrow a freewheel tool wouldnt let them touch any bike of mine haha
  5. Yes it is and i've had a fair few offers already its the echo urban ISIS one that only fits the new echo and zoo frames (according to tarty bikes) Ok that was helpfull thankyou. I didn't want to go banging away at it without being sure. as for the free wheel i think ill take a trip to my local bike shop and use one of their tools. cheers
  6. bb normaly have a splined tool but the echo bb that i have just has bearings where the bb threaded cups would normaly be and the freewheel would normaly have a 4 pronged tool that slots in and undoes with a spanner (i think) i've tried using a chain whip but i think thats just making it tighter
  7. ok basicly i'm spliting my bike and i want to sell the freewheel and the bb seperatly too has anyone got any tips to remove these parts without any damage? cheers
  8. just smash the lock on your car the insurance will pay for the lock and the bikes depending on which insurer your with
  9. Pictures these were from about 5 years ago just found them on the net
  10. That made me want to keep the echo... but you guys dont ride enough
  11. hello mate another wheel has come up so just put yours on the forum sorry for all the muckin about :)

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