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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. ok I give in...you win
  2. I didn't mean it quite like that, I menat more of the edges i.e. where there is heavy lumps plastic in this engine (mainly on the right), in World Rally spec, that would be carbon fibre. If you're telling me that Ford give them a modified shell in any form, nah. The best selling vehicle in America is the Ford F-150. It has been for 22 years. In America's en top selling car list, there are three fords; 1st, 6th and 8th. That is alot of cars. When Ford 'award' their rally team their Rally car, it is cheaper for Ford to give them a completed car instead of disrupting their manafacturing line and giving them a shell, then starting up again. So, yes, the rally team does have to strip the car down themselves.
  3. Well yeah, but he will be happier when it's £20 cheaper than what he thought they were
  4. Yeh, they're used consoles, Microsoft didn't supply enough consoles, the official price is £300
  5. AVG free edition, that'll do you. http://free.grisoft.com/doc/1
  6. Car setup. The exhaust pipe has something to do with it though. Basically, when the Ford world rally team (for example) want the new '06 Ford shell which will suit them best, they order it, strip EVERYTHING out of it and put in new everything from engine to dashboard. So basically, the reason why they sound so sexual and manly is because it's not a stock engine. Far from it. The Mitsibushi Evo VIII is £30k but the rally verson is half a million. Probably because the engine is made out of carbon fibre (well, mostly).
  7. Well, you know what year your PS1 is from, that's more than most people. Best place to look is www.amazon.co.uk if microsoft aint working. Just search for 360, you'll get info on it and a price and you can do the same for the games, just search for xbox 360 games! Edit: I'm in a nice mood today http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...9400288-8418819 -- that's the core system http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...9400288-8418819 -- that's the premium system http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/tg/bro...9400288-8418819 -- A more recent list of games
  8. That's happned to me to a point I couldn't walk....... It's gone now but I had it every day for a week.
  9. 'i feel I may get bored of it within a few years as me and Kris only have about two riding spots. At least one of them is big, as in one mile of promenade. I've found that the closer I have been to getting my trials bike, the more people I've seen on one. Actually, now I come to think of it, we should get together properly, even if there are only five people I can think of, me and kris have only been with one at a time........... Yu're probably just bored because of the weather, just think about summer, wehen you'll be riding without a shirt on.
  10. Is that what you mean? P.S. I'm not sure whether a guard is there at all but the caption of the picture said it was.
  11. The fact that front freewheels (at least the one I have) are crap? Whilst I'm on the subject, does a welded freewheel prevent it from un-screwing?
  12. That's the first time I've had my sound on and I haven't even moved. PRobably just seen to many things like that. ****ing hurt my eye though
  13. Nothing much, as in awe factor or quantity. Hopefully an i-Pod Nano and I'll be happy. I'm not the kind of person that asks for things, hell, I have even bought all of my bike and parts. Hang on, am I the only person that isn't getting anything bike related, maybe apart from trousers as I now only have two pairs that haven't been chewed up in my chain ring? See, that's another thing 'wrong' with me, I hate modding things, I like things to match and go togethter nicely but either I'm not creative enough or don't have enough money. Ah well, I'll get some better performance parts when something brakes. (Probably my frame)
  14. Yarr, nob off an' give it too us or you'll walk the plank, or at least something to similar inter-ffect, yarr! In other words, spill the goods and SHARE IT! Please
  15. Knowing my luck thins has probably been posted before but I haven't seen before so I'm ammasuming not. http://www.miniclip.com/trialsmountainheights/index.htm P.S. My internet has been running really slowly so I'm not sure whether this is a direct link. And now, the laws of physics still do not apply.
  16. I couldn't get that forwards! My best is 14 now
  17. 16.156 first time! It's just a matter of minutes before we're seeing times under 10.
  18. Hey! I'm the spaz around here. Being that I don't know where Llandudno and Reading are........http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/system/galleries/download/print_maps/uk.pdf You'll have to find the route yourself. Bugger......beaten to it.
  19. First time 9.7 That is my only time of completion, I can't even get past J anymore :huh: P.S. If you did get 2 secs prove it with a pic! ;)
  20. Hmm, eengodie was going at 300kb/s but thany to my ManxNet connecton it settled at 120 (Y) Still, it is 6 times faster than it normally is (Y) Nice vid, sweeeeet riding, over here on "Fraggle Rock" people who could ride like that would be mini gods and would be awarded there own hamlet!
  21. I'd have to kick that wire/rod before I trusted that bike, wouldn't want to miss a wall and destroy what is effectively your downtube (Y)
  22. I'm a novice rider so obviously I prefer street as the majority of objects are flat (Y)
  23. That happened to me a few weeks ago, there is only one solution. Stay in bed for as long as you can then get up, go into your lounge (remember to take the majority of your bed with you) and watch bravo, especially The World's Amazing Videos. After a few days of crappy tv you'll feel like you'll be able to run a half marathon.
  24. Over tiredness, I get that but I have a feeling it just comes with being lazy/lack of sleep (Y) It's just best to leave your bike for a day or two (a week would be more than ideal though) and you'll feel tonnes better after 10 mins of re-familiarization :) And about the lack of people riding, ring them up and bully them until they come out. (trust me, it works (Y) )
  25. Slightly bigger link It's nice enough, colour scheme is alright but I'm not too keen on the frame though....ah well. P.S. If that front brake booster one of those bendy plastic ones? IF it is you might as well take it off.
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