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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. Eat a Chicken&Mushroom Pot Noodle and see what happens....or it could just be me wanting another one..........
  2. If you're downloading off of EA it's most probably the Expansion Pack
  3. Right, lets replace the plane with a car. If the car's wheels were moving at a potential 5mph and the conveyor belt was moving at 5 mph, the car would be effectively stationary. This is because the car's power is directed through the wheels into the conveyer but the conveyoer is directly cancelling out this movement by moving the opposite way. Now, an aircraft moves by directing it's power from the engines, into the surrounding air. Because the power doesn't go into the ground in any way, the plane will move and will take off. You'd have no problem accepting this if the plane wasn't touching the ground but really it's no different when it is touching the ground. What's happening below the engines does not affect the way the engines effect the plane. It's alot clearer in my head......
  4. No, tarty do them for £12 Anyway, that 1p is only saved because they haven't pulled the crappy reflective bits off yet
  5. I'd have to say that it's my mates Kris' (manxrider) fault that my wrists now hurt and my hands are lumpier than porridge
  6. Wasn't amazing but wasn't bad, I agree with UrbanLeg-end though, the camera angles were a bit over the top
  7. Looks like you'll need to upload elsewhere, Get a 404/Access forbidden error every time. Maybe you have the file restricted or something because I can get onto the main site site. ANyway, if no luck http://tv.isg.si/site/ That's all you need
  8. It ended just when it got interesting No matter, the riding was good anyway!!!
  9. Nice riding! Big stuff + big respect!
  10. Good choice, I tend to have a short attention span and crappy effects don't help it but I managed to watch all of your video! Some nice riding, quite varied too :thumbsup:
  11. Lol, funniest bail ever! Bet it hurt a bit though
  12. white chamber is the only escape room i've completed on my own therefore it's easily crap!
  13. The texts cost 50p + normal network rates
  14. Lol, bet he was a bit p*ssed off. And, how didn't he notice it?
  15. that's nice work right there! Looks factory fresh. Well, to me it does.......
  16. That's what I was thinking at first but c'mon! A little scare here and there can't hurt him that much!
  17. The Top Gear Toyota Hiluix is stronger than ANY caravan!
  18. He's not come back...obviously worked then
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