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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. That's so last month! Bike Mania 2 is where it's at. Clicky
  2. Like the frame...but the parts that are on it? Ruined. If you're gonna go green, at least try and make it the same kinda colour instead of a dark green headset, dark creen clamps hen top it off with bright green rims that look naff. I know this might be a bit harsh and it might be a bad picture but from that pic
  3. Well, if you do downhill, I'm pretty sure trials shouldn't be much of a strain. Since you've already done the basics even though it was years ago, you should find it easier to slip into the sport thn most people. Age is only a barrier if you want it to be. Unless you're 50+ and have crippling artheritus.
  4. Daddy--Take the C from Chips...what do you get? Hips!
  5. Do you know where abouts you'll be staying? It's just the all of the members on T-F are in or around Douglas. Although it shouldn't matter too much as it's a 5 minute drive to anywhere on the IoM
  6. F*ck outrunning them. Give me some rubbish, a long straight and 88 mph.
  7. .....Then run 20psi or just get over it and buy a new tube nad take it with you on the ride with extra tools which are required. And if you're really a tightwad and don't spend 'all of your money' on tubes, don't try to get up things you can't.
  8. A Trials one. What do you want to ride? Mod? Stock?(Yes, I gathered he probably wants to ride Stock) You want to ride a streety kind of style? Or natural? Do you want a flicky bike? (Short+ High rise) Do you want a more 'powerful' bike(Long) You can't just ask what bike you want without saying anything about yourself. Hell, you may be 4 ft tall and end up being recommended a 1100+ bike.
  9. I found it alot quicker just to buy an Echo 2 bolt...
  10. Alternitavely, you could save some money, keep it that colour and put your paint money to a new frame?
  11. manxrider's post was quite legit, Scott has a habit to...get angry.... Anyway, he's not quite 15.....
  12. The boosters you saw may have been the Onza Carbon boosters?...
  13. That's a funny looking bike. Funny shade of pink too.
  14. Now it's doing 200/sec! He's on 1 mill already!
  15. Yeh, I knew it was down there somehwere...just didn't know where...Anyways, if they have to use that as an excuse for doing what they do, they don't really beleieve in themselves do they? Sorta OT: Who thinks their relgion is like the Nazi party and started at member 50? Which leaves the remaining ~30, who think the family members have joined as a 'pity' member?
  16. Well, Pickels Nipples James stiff nipples nips (last name's Nichols) and more recently from a mate and kris, "Lanky Streak of Piss" I'm tall and not fat....but not skinny....and quite wide built....but I'm lanky anyway?
  17. A bit self condidictory isn't it? She's all about following God's word and comandment number 1. Thou shalt not kill. That means, every death due to purposeful murder from another human is illicit and doesn't really count as part of God's plan. By that, that means no one in the twin towers deserved to die. Which means she is supporting murder "and is herself a sinner of the lord" /black priest voice from The Blues Brothers
  18. Just grab some crakns with a ring and carry on as you were before.
  19. I'd like to see her in serious pain due to cancer then say "oooh, it's alright, god wanted my to be in this much pain. deep down, i'm happy he chose me!".............f*ckin hippy
  20. Pour water on the suspected area but do it extremely slowly, best to do it out of a bottle, it should become apparent if it's a crack.
  21. Kris (manxrider) was drop gapping about 4ft. He messed up in a way he's only done once. (Riding for 1+ year) He's smashed his head off the rock he was gapping to. His helmet had a clean crack through it. If that was his head that hit the ground, he'd have been hospitalised with half of his brain still on a rock.
  22. You'll get it back again, it's like riding a bike--you never forget.
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