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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. Well it's not the sellers problem if it's been stolen from the guy at his household is it? And I doubt many people sign for things in their vans and would just keep a rather light for it's size package? Using that logic...Sam wouldn't have to refund. Anyway, cash up front then send. Does it matter if it does really get stolen? Don't refund him, he's scammed other people, so he'd get what's coming to him.
  2. Lol, just tell him to get on with it. He'll be proud with his scars on his elbows. I know I am
  3. Onza Citrus? DO they taste nice? As for the whole 35mm vs. 50mm 50mm is soo better. smaller contact area does apply more pressure but the idea is to apply more grip, so the bigger surface area would provide more grip, like running a 'flat' tyre. 35mm pads are just so people can save 50p.
  4. ...Or not If you've just got it....spend your money on some new forks, stem + bars. Then change the colour as it is pointless spending your money on a paint job when it doesn't affect your your ride at all. Personally, I suggest some Echo Lites as they are 10x lighter than the stock forks which you could crush a toyota Hilux with, and they are sexually cheap. The Bar+Stem setup is of personal preference though as they affect the ride a lot more than a pair of forks.
  5. Well, actually the planets kinda go in circles and never stay in the same position to other planets....
  6. they look like what a raspberry flavoured cow would look like
  7. have you been on the same bike since? Change can be goood
  8. I know it's not exactly hi-spec but I just wanted to be the first aside from that, I got 2xDogs and 3xCats + Some fish in a pond. If you're lucky I'll edit and post pics, and if someone's nice, they'll tell me how to thumbnail
  9. No more policeman now!
  10. everyone knows it's better
  11. Everyone knows the holy hand grenade from Worms is better
  12. everyone knows Daleks could do stairs since...forever
  13. You could always start easy. Go around door to door with a sponsor sheet saying what you are doing and how much you need to raise and say you were wondering if they'll sponsor you. Also use a ctachphrase--"Every little helps" ? Then tyr car washes, bag packing etc. Rind companies and see if they'll sponsor you, say you'll do the rally in Gumball fashion with your car covered with sponsor stickers. If you have a little brother or ssiter, make it look like they are homeles, see how much money they can make on the street.
  14. Move them colser in so they don't stick out? See if resizing works? OR you could just make the scroll wheel thicker so they don't stick out.
  15. I read this thread today and BAM! Typo....it's Kris(ten) You nonce
  16. I hope you mean both times around? Gotta try that pedal bodge when the pins come out of my shin digs.
  17. You what? You mean no one broke hsi bowl? That fella playing hitting golf balls at him when he did the box should have come down to try and break the bowl.
  18. Gotta be the first to post the best! How many skaters does it take to change a lightbulb? 3. One to change it. One to film it and one to go 'Yeah!'
  19. Echo 2 Bolt boosters fit and work fine
  20. Well, I see dead people.
  21. Yeh, just go out to some riding spots with walls and stuff. You'll find they never move and you don't have to carry them there either :thumbsup:
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