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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. But it's no ordinary badger! It came from space!
  2. I think what he's trying to say is that he had printed off Tom's address and was going to stik it onto the box of the seat bu he has posted it and found Tom's address behind him,,,meaning that he's aatched the wrong person's address to the seat. I think
  3. The best way too improve your brake is a Grind. Anything else sucks and long term usage 'ruins' your wheel. If you don't want a grind, get Zoo! pads. And possibly if you're greedy and want more brake power but are too scared to get grind, put some tar on your rim as well.
  4. Well, I don't know about coding, but I do know that the turn off automatic updates button woks quite well too. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2005/09/07/vista_hardware_reqs/ I swear the biggest RAM number they said there was 2gb. Don't quote me on any of this....I was just wondering whether they were typos or if I've got the wrong end of the sticks....
  5. Surely you mean a swap? http://www.trashzen.com/ How To-->Balance-->Wheel-Swap (at the bottom)
  6. One of those drill like polisher thingies?
  7. As in cuttiing the person out of the clip and just leaving the bike in? For aframe...photoshop. For a series of frames i.e. video clip. A very long photoshop or very expensive software. And still quite a bit of time. I think
  8. Let's say the bike's around 1k. That's £400 down if sold at £600. Parts get old, and in trials, parts gets scratched, dented and broken. Forks, bars, stem, brakes, rims get stressed and weaken. 40% off all of the parts makes it sound okay which takes it to £600. It's not that much really. Better money than a Rolls.
  9. Err, well aobut that. An artifact is basically nerd talk for not 'drawing' the game properly. The main/only non OC related cause for this is that the grahics card is too poo to play the game. Which means, any artifacts you've got, are there to stay...unless you get a new card. I think.
  10. Nah, he's posted now so he catches the extremely useful but pointless bump which will be a day late
  11. Meh, get over it, it's only a T-Poo. Anyway, if it makes you fell better I dented my new T-Pro frame on the first day I got it. And the dent's on the top tube so everytime I look down I can see it.
  12. It's because you trial riders are all a bunch of pansies. Oh wait, that's me... It's probably just because they're going fast along a horizontal plain rather than travelling in a more vertical plain. If you think about it, they always bunnyhop over stuff or down long stuff, so all of that momentum is propelling them across the ground. With trials, we're genrally going down stuff or across stuff which is at that kind of position were all momentum will be directed towards the ground rather than along it when we f**k up.
  13. Although it was good, I prefer the insite search but it does take you to the page f the post, not just the thread, so there's no pointless drifting through pages and pages before reaching what you want
  14. Shiiiiiiiiit /Stereotypical black guy I better had stop free running naked, it looks quite sore. Get well soon
  15. I agree 1000000% with what you've said, but I think the point of the people saying not to pass judgement, is that he may well have been on a private road where the chance of hitting someone who he wouldn't have payed out to would be smaller than the likely-hood of CLS hospitalizing someone in a car when he's on his bike. I'm not saying what you've said is wrong, on the contrary, as I have already stated, it's perfectly true. It's just that you may have got the circumstances wrong.
  16. That vid was rather sexual. I had a strong urge to get out on my bike and to start trying to manual up and down my road. Shame I can't though I've made myself sad! I'll watch your vid again, it'll cheer me up cus it's one of the best vids I've seen for ages and ages, very refreshing riding style. These NMCs need to stop watching CLS and start watching Bucky! P.S. Lay off the transitions next time, many of your later clips were missed due to a half faded granny in the way
  17. Maybe some trousers that have a gel pad at the front. It would protect people's shins and if the gel's right, it could be used to help cool/warm people down/up.
  18. One finger gives more control over the bike etc. Use one finger now and it'll grow stronger and you'll be pulling the brake lever quite hard. Also move your hands as far to the ends of your bars as they can go, better leverage on the brakes + more control
  19. The obvious part to that was, the link only took you to pages in which you had to enter your credit card number etc
  20. ^ Theiving ******* *** ** * ***** *** er < Is my bike....ish v Uses the letter 'V' instead of \ and /
  21. If he rides a lot of proper street (I.e. Bunny hops, manuals ect and he doesn't mean that he rides on streets) he'd probably want to go for the Zip as shorter = Easier to manual and bunnyhop and it's flickier. A shorter bike will probably feel nicer from a T-Bird as well.
  22. OT but still valid. Wanna get validated? Then be quiet. And what are you on about anyway? "Are you thick, of course it'll fit, providing it's the right size, even I know that". Of course you know that, you'd have to be retarded not to know that if something that's the right size will fit something else. It's like me saying any key will open a lock, providing it's the right shape.
  23. you haven't looked at biketrialler avatar have you. Then you can +1
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