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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. :lol: Was waiting for something like that to come along. Was quite funneh actually
  2. Pretty much sums it up. Black + Pink = T-Pro Greeny/Mouldy colour + Pink =
  3. I swear I'd seem the majority of them in the Best of The Internet thread....
  4. It was just 4 or 5 clips of Neil going up and across postboxes + one drp gap
  5. LMFAO at what I just saw (The no testicle guy + presenter)
  6. If you're really into all of this gaming, then here are some games to play before death: Metal Gear Solid (including the sequels) = MGS1 had some of the most amazing gameplay on the Ps1, apparantly also had the best graphics :/. It truly was innovative and was the start of some great sequels, with a running stroyline throughout that gives a cinematic feel to the game, especially if you have played since Metal Gear through to MGS3, it really would be a continuous film and with the way that the games have been released, it is a gripping stroyline with many twist and realisations of why this happened in thsi game. if you're not into the storyline, then play MGS3 at least as it is among one of the best games I have played on the PS2. Splinter Cell Series (especially the later of the series): Just beautiful games, you can go through the entire games without firing a shot, or without even killing/knocking anyone out. or, you could go rambo and shoot and blow up everyone with an array of different gadgets. The hitman series: Read above then add to that the multiple ways you can complete your objectives, for example, in Hitman Contracts, there are at least 3 ways o get into the hotel room where your target is, each with varying degrees of stealth, ranging from assain to mass murderer. Is that enough explaination Spacemunkee? Disclaimer: Cannot be held responsible for bs in post, I have olny been up for a few hours and feel like it's 6 o'clock,,,not 9:30
  7. Here's one that shouldn't need a clue Reymr Misrcthsa
  8. Probably be a best bet to buy the T-Bird and use the vee brakes until you can/still want to buy a rear HS33. You'll probably find that with a bit of TLC, the vee brakes will be fine and will do more than a good job.
  9. Get what you want. I'm 6'1" and ride a T-Pro (which isn't a long bike--1020wb?) and I don't feel like my height is hindering my riding at all.
  10. You'll find that's because they're all doing the same sport and if you're willing to share your unique moves i.e. not sidehops gaps etc, please do.
  11. I was going to say that it looked like a template. And it seems it is. It would look 200% better if you could expand the central column of colour to cover the entire page. and for the 'Our Bikes' section, add some pics :thumbsup:
  12. You haven't read the rest of the thread have you?
  13. Yeah, the site's all bullshit. The entire things fake.
  14. Link retrived from OTN The riding was excellent int his vid but I've seen better vids. It is a shame that this (might be) is the end
  15. http://www.lostpassword.com/windows-xp-2000-nt.htm And if that doesn't work, this looks quite promising.
  16. That riding was f**kin terrible *cough*. Nice vid, I actually watched it all without replaying to get he bits I missed, feel privelidged. :thumbsup:
  17. What about a page on here with a list of places and the amount of people that live there e.g. Essex (17) Kent (10) Liverpool (8) London (21) Manchester (15) each location is clickable on, then it shows the trials forum members that live there.
  18. So do scratches and dents that look even worse than an armadillo. Also dents weaken the frame whereas armadillo don't.
  19. I need laugh,,,NOW. Tell whole story Only if you can be assed. --At concussion Eh ghosts, they're just annoying grandparents that aren't annoying anymore. Noticed how most reported ghosts are middle aged or at least not old. 'Tis all bullshit
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