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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. Well, you know those tricks that involve Tobasco sauce? The hottest Tobasco sauce being 7000-8000 Scoville units - a measure of chilli 'power'. Well, you could get this. Opposed to Tobasco's 7000-8000 Scoville Units, this measures at 16,000,000 Scoville Units. Hot ey?
  2. Then just buy a f**king amp! Not bad for £7, bet you could have found a better one though....
  3. Tunni will just have to remember to carry a mat around with him
  4. Isn't it suspected of being a number of people? and I'm sure anyone browsing the forum has nothing better to do when they see a mentioning of the spelling bee.
  5. If you say you have tried everything, the only thing left to it is that your bleeding skills are shite. Take it to a bike shop, get them to bleed and watch your brake amazingly work again! even if there is a leak, then the bikeshop will find + sort that out as well.
  6. Yeh, but we all know what happened to him thinking he was invincible...
  7. You could always try slitting your wrists and see what happens!* *Trying this may result in permanent injury or death
  8. Well, if you have kept your bike the day it was since you bought it I think the list of importance goes: Brake Booster (possibly new pads +grind, though you can wait on those upgrades) Forks (you can get tanks lighter than the stock ones) Bars/Stem (The onza bars (flat) feel gash compared to the majority of riser bars) Then everything else gets replaced when it brakes.
  9. I hope he's dissapointed with it. Lol j/k
  10. I get it quite abit as well, and the only solution is to grit your teeth and get on with it. I know it is really quite sore/annoying but the only thing to do is to try and keep riding so you 'forget' they're that cold. Or you could just bugger off home.
  11. Eh? to be honest, there is no need for a rotor over 200mm, that's just being silly. I'm sure it's much cheaper to get a smaller one, and reduce the chance of fork crack/snap
  12. Seriously man, how can you find it hard?? Just put one in your mouth, add water, tilt head back so you feel tablet right on the back of your tongue and swallow.
  13. Lol, maybe that Guitar palyer next door is a bit more than weird? Nah, they may well be on your network. What happens with iTunes is it looks for 'Shared Libraries' (There is an option for it) on your network. It will obviously dissapear when their itunes is closed. Could just be a wireless laptiop user connecting to the strongest signal, which may well be your connection. Go round and kick her in the tits + tell her to piss off of your network. Or just make it secure.
  14. Yeh, I can see where you're coming from. Plot line was a bit thin as were the characters but I get laughs easily and it was midnight when I started to watch it.
  15. Severance 7/10. Was rather amusing throughout, good for a quick immature laugh. "Just saw a geezer in a balaklava with a suitcase.....No,,,,,more of a travel bag."
  16. Well, aparantly you're not supposed to stand up whilst on your bike either,,thats what we got told whilst doing it. Basically, it's soo easy, I passed it with no major or minor faults and I only taught myself how to ride a bike the same year.
  17. Bloody hell, I never even got past the Marble Zone. And I have the Sonic Mega collection for the gamecube,,,so thats recently as well :$
  18. ManxTrialSpaz


    Talking about revenge http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3e0_1173614039 LMAO
  19. That is the biggest farse in the world. It's like doing motorbike users for riding on the pavement to get into their drive.
  20. My English teacher showed us some videos of final GCSE talk things. And people got As for things like pregnancy and drug abuse etc. So just do a druggy and set it over a number of days with confrontation of the parent and child and probably throw in that the parent is/was a drug abuser etc. Just don't do one on the medical condition GAIDS. Didn't go down too well
  21. Out of all the preventions you could come up with, putting your trousers in oyur socks is the most effective as it never fails and is free. And although it may feel uncomfortable, you'll get used to it, just like riding with one finger on the brake lever. Seriously, sometimes I forget that it's tucked in and I end up wandering about like that.
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