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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. Be a man or get different pedals Not had one shin dig that left a scar, just bruises and even then only once or twice. Some nice big, heavy pedals should do the trick--I've got some Onza Shin Digs. Even now they're quite grippy, as grippy as you need for the street, maybe not good enough for natural. but, as I've said, the biggest injury I've got from them is a scratch down the back of my ankle.
  2. Just windows being gay, mine's got an error as well--and it's 7 seconds out god dammnit! Good job I have my trusty radio updated clock that never loses the time at my side. 7 seconds out, sheesh.
  3. Worm thing from Tremors beats man with drill
  4. The .44 Magnum is the most powerful handgun in the world and at this distance could blow your head clean off
  5. Some guy I know, who deosn't ride, has in his garage a right old school monty with triple clamp forks!!
  6. At least the rednecks shooting this sign, actually shot through it!
  7. Isn't it kinda your choice? You know, one of things regular people make everyday. Granted this isn't a regular choice and could benefit from some input elsewhere but, in the end it's up to you. Just sit down, look at the geo, have alook at what geo affects what, look at the pros + cons fo each frame and decide. Unfortunately, apart from that, I have nothing to add to this thread, so I'll go away now
  8. The link on the site is brokened Edit x2: Just go here and download --Obviously after going on Trials-uk/Vizbikes!! Can't give a comprehensive eview (it's too late) but vid was good Riding was big + controlled which is always a bonus. Slow-mo was annoying though Song wasn't annoying either. All round good job
  9. Yeh, I had some of that, hot shit. Lump of it on my finger, didn't make me cry though Shitty taste wouldn't leave my mouth for ages though (I hate the taste of chilli sauces). Ruined my sausage roll Another lad at school, who is a bit of a dumb gimp, had like a huge lump straight into his mouth. Was sick and drunk about 2/3 pints of milk to try and get rid of the burnin'
  10. "Grind The Molten Bucket"
  11. Edit: Ah bugger- beaten.
  12. Just be quiet. This frame is weird. Whyen I look at it as it is,,it looks sex. When I look at that funky tube bending shizz going on at the seat tube area, I think End Result: It is a nice frame and a half and the geo sounds nice as well. Brake mounts look like they're on a bit of a f**k though. Or is that just me....
  13. Poorly translated instructions leaves you dumbfounded
  14. Electrical tape fixes cord
  15. But Fedor is no wrestler. He is a Pride Heavyweight World champion--Read: Hard muthaf**ka! Anyways,, Fire......man.....beats paper
  16. Fedor beats the shit out of Rock
  17. He's obviously gonna show anyone who gives him the bike to the police, and since they have a tape of him, I think they'll be able to say whether it was him or not.
  18. If it's a really light grind, a decent shaped pebble/stone will get the grind off.
  19. Yeh, they do an April Fools page every year
  20. Nah, he's saying sorry for going off topic
  21. So you're not allowed to look at a tape of him in public (where you would have seen him anyway without braking any kind of privacy), stealing your bike, as you would be invading his privacy. What utter bullshit.
  22. So, you're just assuming it's stolen cus it was bought cheap?
  23. Where' the 1-2 times a week option?
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