Have you downlaoded the pair of the files and I posted up? Basically, when you have the both of them, open 'Live.for.Speed.S2.AlphaW.with.Crack.part1' and you will see two files, LFS KeyGen W.exe * LFS_S2_ALPHA_W.exe * Assuming you have downloaded LFS W previously, the only file of interest is 'LFS KeyGen W.exe *'. So drag that into the LFS folder and you will prompted for a password, which is 'www.wareztuga.org' After the KeyGen is extracted, you will see it in the LFS folder (obviously). When you double click it, it comes up with a prompt asking for 'Username' and 'Password'. Simply make a username and password up and press genereate! E.g. Username Fat Pants Password hello Then when yoyu launch LFS, you will have S2 unlocked! But it won't work online for the obvious reason that the account you've just made doesn't actually exist