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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. Haha, you're just unlucky then. Everytime I shin my pedal, I just hit my shin on the flat bit in the middle lol.
  2. Haha. Nah, just wondering if I should stop riding my frame before I break it lol. Need a new frame just for a giggle even though I hardly ride now. Shitty GCSEs.
  3. I have on 06 frame, odd scratch, one tiny dent in toptube. I'll half anything poopipe offers you. Genuinely interested, how much do T-Pro frames go for?
  4. No they don't! I have 0 marks or scars from my shindigs whereas my mate has countless from his VPs
  5. Frankly, it's all down to how minted you are. Both work in exactly the same way and are just as reliable as each other. The only difference is that freehubs are much more expensive. So, if you have a load of dosh and want that extra pimp factor, go for a freehub, but if you only have £40 to hand, run a freewheel.
  6. I've looped out at least twice being a twat. First tiem was when I couldn't be bothered sorting out my rubbing brake so just wound the tpa in and was gonna fix it when I got to where we were going. So htere we are and I think "Hmm, I wonder if I can backwheel this wall with when the lever goes to the bars". Turns out I couldn't And another time, trying to backwheel to manual, about a week after learning how to backwheel a 15" bench.
  7. You'll probably find that the majority of the people ripping on Saracen owners started to ride on MTB bikes and were riding before the bloom of trials specific bikes + parts. Not Koxx's and the like. Tit.
  8. Also, I'm willing to bet Bongo's accident was bmx related. Very few people hit their mouths in a trials crash and even less knock teeth out. Seriosuly, it's not an issue unless you have a habit of putting your mouth in front of the rest of your body when you fall.
  9. Seriously, just use one finger. You'll get used to it and it'll work better in the end.
  10. Metallic white with pearlescent red rims
  11. I've had two frames, both of which were T-Pros. Currently got an 06 one!
  12. f**k sake. We get the f**king point. You love her yadda yadda. Bottom line is, she said no. You could give her all of the compliments in the world and of the love in the world and guess what? It will not change her perception of you. Everyone in this thread has offered tips and shit to help you out but you've downright refused them. Why? what you're doing now is obviosuly not working. Change your approach or drop her or you will continue feeling like shit.
  13. Just for you Fatty Your ramblings reminded me of this. Guess what I searched to find it? Self Respect. Something you seem to have very little of.
  14. ManxTrialSpaz


    In that case, I just had 4 meals lol. Oh well, the stress of the england match followed by the cheering evens it out :/
  15. Ahhh. I really didn't want to post.
  16. Just play it cool man. I know I can't really have clue but atm, you're looking like you're gonna be a best friend. She doesn't need someone to protect her and if you're ever gonna be a successful bf I'm pretty sure you won't need to contend with anyone.
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