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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. There's your problem Isn't the speedo read off the wheels? SOunds like loose wiring/bad connection somewhere down the line. Getting interefence from everything else happening when you put the pedal down (spark plugs and that kinda stuff)?
  2. But the (older) T-Pro frame defiantly cannot take it.
  3. Heavy electricity crushing people like lead soup :lol:
  4. Yup. Waste of however much my brother payed for it really. Single player, as far as I could remember, was a complete rehash of Halo: Combat Evolved. Fight covanent. Rescue a few people. Strange zombie aliens show up. Follow blue shiny thing. Rescue a few people. Oh noes!! Strange shiny blue thing is evil!!! Final Warthog escape mission. And the multiplayer was quite poor aswell. everyone's cumming over it and it was medicore at best. Obviously, all of the players shocked and amazed by it haven't touched a decent multiplayer PC game in their lives.
  5. Can be referred to as cheap and illegal advertising from now on.
  6. Yeah, I think only Deng snail cams fit on Deng's hubs.
  7. You just need to do it (As in don't think about it). Don't go big to start with. Just try to hop a few inches forwards. You just have to dip the front end a bit, put pressure on the pedals slightly before you let go of the brake and then try to put the brake back on when you're in the air.
  8. Maybe my 2GHz P4 really is outdated now Least I can play Call of Duty
  9. You won't be able to get one that does because when you land on the ring, you'll also fall onto the left bash mount. It would be best to get a bash ring as small as possible so that you land on the bash mounts as flatly as possible to prevent mashing them up.
  10. I've had another scope at it and what happens is that it does half an anti clockwise turn then half a clock wise turn. The actual animation is made up of 30 frames - making one 'complete' turn. I think.
  11. ManxTrialSpaz


    Why are your pictures backwards? What does unlockign allow the Touch to do what it couldn't before?
  12. !!! That's actually the 05 frame....
  13. I had a look in Image Ready and the animation is only one full turn.
  14. It's defiantly clockwise, yet I am more left hand side man. Seen on OTN before, kept looking and got to point when I could make it spin in either direction at will
  15. Sounds liek the Pro to me. Less than half of the price of the Comp and they've gotten rid of the shitty flat bars as well. But, what's the spec of the Comp? At that price I imagine its quite a good spec or the guy thats selling it is a spac.
  16. Just get a bike completely opposite to what you have now? If I win (very unlikely but the fingers are still crossed ), I wouldn't want to get a high-spec mod because I already have a mod which I've built up and am mostly comfortable with. If I do win, I'll be hittign a streety stock. Obviously with a lot of help from the Tarty team as I wouldn't have the faintest clue about how to do this.
  17. Just thought I'd let you know. This morning I flicked on to Flux and on the Flux Chart Hits (or something like that) I hit the end of what looked like Tunni! Going by what music channels usually do and repeat everything, I'm gonna have a guess on say that the Flux Chart Hits on tonight will show it again in case you want to see it. MTV Flux - 5.30pm Tonight (1. Nov). Flux Chart Hits or something like that. Edit: It was a top ten count down of requested videos, so its not a long program)
  18. I'm telling you. Get some heavy shorts.
  19. Maybe get the graphics to the right of the header to come in abit more so the text looks more in place?
  20. Lol, I know, I can remember it quite clearly
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