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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. Just made/took part in "Fapordiclicious" and "Jews did it" Was trying to make "iCharlie is an iTwat"
  2. Haha, who else was doing that? Couldn't have just been me and Ash. People kept stopping me from writing "New Members and biscuits"
  3. Haha lol. I moved poo underneath curry lol
  4. That was me. And I swear filtered your "F T W" lol
  5. Personal effort a few mins ago. With surprisingly little hassle as well (Bottom left)
  6. Sounds like a piston problem rather than anything else. Have a look though this.
  7. Keep your knees bent whilst you're on the backwheel. This'll keep your weight backwards and will stop the front end from dropping. It'll be hard to remmeber and keep doing but you'll notice a difference straight the way.
  8. Its amazing how much I really don't care this year. Only remembered it was Chritmas when my dad sad it to me when I was lying in bed. b*****d.
  9. I think I've got the wrong end of the stick. But I still can't see the right end. What you on about? :$
  10. You want some flathead screwdrivers you do.
  11. That was the first reply you dickhead
  12. Just reporting in for 12 hours time, when I will doubtlessly be trying to desperately finish my maths coursework for Wednesday.
  13. Yeh, I've got a 256mb one which I'd be more than happy to sell for £5. So I don't think a 64mb willl be getting much profit
  14. When I was in America it was something like $2 for a gallon? So that's what £1 for a gallon, about 25p a litre.... For some reason, I think petrol prices are a wee bit high.
  15. R.I.P. Oli. Although I never met him, he sounds like he was a nice bloke and was one of those people who too frequently "shouldn't have been the one". My thoughts and condolences go out to his family, friends and anyone else who has been affected by his death. Finishing his Mini sounds like a nice idea. IT was something he wanted to finish, I suppose in a way it would be sort of his legacy. As for the fluffy bunny-esque suggestion, perhaps the same thing but with a picture of a Mini would be adequate?
  16. Ahaha. Finished. Do I do the 30 odd science questions due in tomorrow though?.....
  17. Does this constitue as late for someone that has to get up for school in 4 and a half hours? Still doing some shitty powerpoint presntation for genetic engineering. You can tell I did it early in the morning. I've tried to be funny to keep myself amused
  18. I love headphones Just been listening to deafening music since about 12. Has come to a close with Scott Brown and now I'm gonna find a film on tv.
  19. Excludign the last 'mission' in the game, there are 9 assainations (boss levels) in 3 cities, all of which are interspersed with travelling and the same 5 sub missions with different dialogue. So yes, it does get quite repetitive. And the freerunning is indeed holding LT + A and tilting the analogue stick to the direction you want to go.
  20. Lol. Take it you don't have MSN then?
  21. How pissed off will everyone be if its a new member
  22. How about making it interseting. If whoever wins doesn't pick up within two ring bleepy things, there's a redraw!
  23. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=106608 http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=105907 http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=105265 All on the the first page of searching 'Monty' in thread titles I'm not sure about it. I like the look of everything apart from the hump. It's not that bad but I don't find it very attractive...
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