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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. You forgot how he took on and killed five chasers as well as the champion chaser. Also Arnie has all those chessy lines which Stallone totally lacks. E.g. "f**k you, asshole" "Please don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired" "He was sub zero, now he's just plain zero" "He had to split" (After chopping Buzzsaw in half) "I let him go" (After dropping some guy of a cliff) etc
  2. http://www.ridestreet.co.uk/phpBB3/index.php
  3. Cut it up on paint and you'll see that the shapes are different sizes
  4. I'm not too sure if I should hope that's his mum or not...
  5. Total Video Converter Works quite nicely and does audio aswell
  6. Watched a high quality a week after US release
  7. Anyone playing now? On my brothers Lvie account - GT: Braveblood
  8. Total disregard of rule 3. What's the point? Does it make you feel big?
  9. Actually, it was taken from one of their ground rovery things. Not from the sky I believe. When you look at the full photo, the thing appears to be quite close to the rover, so it seems as if it's only a few inches high. And you would have though, that if there was life of mars, it would be primative (from looking at possible pic) and would have wandered pto the alien looking rover by now.
  10. Is it 18 regardless? Even if you have a full EU liscence?
  11. I'm 6'2"/3" and I get on quite well with my T-Pro PRobably a bit small for me now though but I hardly ride so I can't comment but I never conciously thought "This bike is too small."
  12. "Heavy electricity falling out of over head power cables and crushing people like a tonne of lead soup" "And recent figures show that crimes we know nothing about are rising as well" And of course "That's a pathetic amount of money!" Oh and "This hole here is so I can return fire." Oh and the Pedo-files This is Pedogedden They don't need punishment, they need gunishment.
  13. If you can afford to not buy that, I'd go for that option. But its seems a pretty tight deal to me. But I can't help but think you could do much better than that for a bargain. Check some eBay.
  14. One point. I do believe that the majority of the rising sea levels was due to the seas heating up and the water expanding. Granted, this expansion would be tiny at a small volume of water, but when you take into account that the sea is very fvcking big, a tiny change in sea temperatures would result in a large rise of sea levels. One point though. If global warming ahs been happening for a long time now, its just that its only recently been brought up, this means sea levels should have been rising for a while? How come the places that are below sea level, aren't already below the sea?
  15. It's defiantly a DVD release, as I've seen it floating about in my house for a while. Haven't watched it though, so can't comment.
  16. Ahh. It's that shitty green colour again! Meh I think it looks alright. Pretty good spec as well for that price. Back end of the frame looks good as well, whatver they've done to it.
  17. Gah. Do you not find that pretty much every song sounds the same? Aside from the lyrics, I could hardly tell what was different between each track.
  18. Emergency phone charger looks good at £6 Extremely hot sauce only £11
  19. A penknife? I'm sure you could find one with novelty attachments/a f**k off blade.
  20. Yeah. In old videos. Before trials specific parts, when there was no option but to ride them.
  21. Nah, I'm more of a pro at wheel sit food eat. Practiced it today in fact lol. Twice haha, once with lunch and another on my home with some sneaky chips.
  22. Who you meant? Anyway *cough* Scott Brown *cough*. Can't believe he hasn't been said yet. Oh yeah, I thought Clubland X-Treme Hardcore 4 was complete shite. It's got nothing on the first one - Much better. Fair few dance styles. Could be after any of them? Name a few people who've made songs you like and I'm pretty sure people could help you out.
  23. I swear I saw Plazmatic disc brake pads around before. Looked beast just cus they were plazas. It was a disc/pad combo. Ah, website is outdated and they were only for Magura Louise/Marta brakes anyway. http://www.plazmaticbrakes.com/disc_brakes.php ANyone ever seen them before?
  24. Ermm,,just count for a minute? Or count for 30 seconds and x2?
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